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Old 05-13-2021, 04:51 AM   #39
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 50
Default The educational hiking trip. part 13

A bit of a slow part in the meantime, just a chapter to keep the story in line.

After this one, Some feedback please before I continue!


part 13 sleeping arrangements

We spend quite some time in the water cleaning eachother, mostly the boys. Every so often in our conversation one of us would give a kiss to another in appreciation of what they had done. Then Elly said: "Well i think it's time for a group hug!" And we all gathered an hugged each other kissing and caressing eachother. Then Linda spoke up and said: "how are we goig to sleep tonight?, I would like to be with Patrick but then I don't want to miss anyone else eighter."
We looked at each other, and then I had a great idea and said,"It's not like we don't know how to move tents around, we have proven that!" "So why don't we just rearrange them against each other to make one large one." All agreed cheering.
We set off to rearrange the camp. That went easy enough, we did it in under fifteen minutes, easy enough when you don't have to move to far, just moving one tent to the other. We then took our time to make a nice bed with our matresses and covers and settled back around the fire. The girls made jokes on us for not being able to do the next dare. Often trying to get our dicks to go back to attention, but to no avail, sure we did get some semi's but we were really to depleted to really make an impression.
So Chrissie suggested it would have to wait, perhaps tommorow. That's when we realised we had to go back home the next day. And I said "yeah its a bummer, but all things do come to an end, we should definitely do a next hike soon all of us!"
Elly asked, "You really have to return tommorow? We still have one day! Can't you stay longer? We have enough provisions to share."
George, Patrick and I looked at each other, sad faces. and Patrick said,"I'm afraid our parents will kill us, and frankly I don't want them to worry, it's our first time to be allowed to go on this trip."
Then Chrissie said," Haven't you build in a calamity clause with them? after all you should know it can be perillous up here in the mountains"
-"Yeah sure, you never know what you will encounter, haha" George chuckled. That was met with some laughter of all of us. But she sure was right my Chrissie, the mountains could be unpredictable. For that purpose I had a mobile phone in my back pack just in case, but only to be used in emergency. We continued our conversation for a while, I refrained from mentioning my phone but it bothered me nonetheless. This came to a point I said," sorry girls I really need to talk to the boys in private a bit."
The girls looked up to me, a bit annoyed but then I saw Chrissie starting to smile and said, "Yeah, i understand, sometimes you just do, don't we too girls?"
And Linda and Elly relaxed and Elly said "Yeah your right, besides I would like to say something to my friends aswell without you horny dogs listening in."
So I turned to George and Patrick, and invited them to come along for a walk. They stood up but looked puzzled at what I had to tell them. we put some distance between us and the girls to be sure they could'nt hear us, then Patrick asked,"so what's up what you want to tell us?" And i explained them about the emergency phone.
They were thrilled. But at the same time holding back some. "But what are you gonna tell them?" George said
and Patrick said: "Yeah, you can't just say we want an extra day cause we met some girls and lost our virginity! That hardly will be seen as an emergency by my folks that's for sure!"
I laughed it off, and explained: "No indeed that wouldn't work but if we can all keep our story straight, I could explain to my parents I misjudged the distance and we just can't make it! they would call your parents and explain." -"Oh, I don't know if i can do that, it's hard to lie to my parents! I just don't seem to be able to keep a straight face when I lie to them" Patrick confessed.
George and I tried to convince him, but it was clear Patrick had a hard time. Finally he said:" I'll think about it, but don't tell the girls, I will decide tommorow."
With that said we agreed and started walking back to the girls. When we came around the trees back to our camp The girls stopped talking and were awfully quiet. They surely were having their own private conversation. We let it pass and enjoyed sitting around the fire some more. When George started gawping soon more of us followed so we decided it was time to hit the sack. We moved to our megabed and laid against each other. I was with Chrissie in the midle and on my other side were Patrick and Linda, George and Elly where on the far end on Chrissie's side. We mostly cuddled up against each others partner but from time to to time a hand got lost caressing another of the group. It didn't take long before we all fell asleep, It sure didn't take me long, lying there against my Chrissie spooning her.
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