Thread: Fiction: ✖✖ The Tomboy ✖
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Old 04-05-2011, 03:06 PM   #3
Truth or Dare Enthusiast
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 2,522
Female 2. Year Ten

2. Year Ten

It was in Math that my awkwardness really made a name for itself. The teacher was drawing various diagrams and writing equations on the board, while everyone else was writing down notes with bored expressions on their faces. Or so I assumed, anyway. To be honest I really hadn’t spared any of them any glances - my eyes were fixated on Katie, as per usual.

She was leaning back in her chair, her pretty, almost childlike face screwed up in concentration as she struggled to keep the chair balanced on only its back legs. She was wearing a cute little summer top and short shorts, tanned and tiny, every bit the perfect summer beauty. Every little detail about her excited me. Her blonde hair fell pale and perfect, rare and astonishing, shimmering almost silver in the sunlight that shone in the classroom. And of course I loved the gentle curves of her skinny legs, my eyes wandering up them, watching the way they swung in the air as she sought the perfect balance.

I didn’t love her. I’d told myself this many times in the weeks that I’ve been staring longingly after her. I didn’t love her. Girls didn’t love girls, and even if they did, I didn’t. I didn’t want to keep her for myself, the way the boys always seemed to when they went after a girl. I didn’t get jealous of her when she hugged her friends - envious, sure; but I had no desire to pull her away from them. I just wanted to experience her warmth myself, along with them. I didn’t love her. But God, she was gorgeous.

‘You love her, don’t you?’ a voice asked quietly from beside me.

I started, dropping the pen that I’d been twiddling between my fingers. It fell to the floor as I turned and stared at the girl that had just spoken.

Her name was Sarah. I’d pretty much kept to myself since I’d moved here, never being good at making friends, but I had at least made the effort to learn everyone’s names. Like Katie and myself, Sarah was blonde, though where Katie was the cute little nymph that looked to have snuck up from a lower grade’s classes, Sarah was every bit the sexy sixteen year old fresh out of puberty that everyone wanted to be, or be with. I knew that she was good friends with Katie, had been since childhood. But I knew precious little else about her. And now she’d caught me red faced, wide eyed, practically drooling over her friend, and I had no idea what to say to get myself out of it.

‘It’s okay, you know,’ Sarah said in a quiet, conspiratorial tone, a wicked grin flashing across her lips. ‘You’re not the only one that sneaks glances at that sexy little minx.’

‘Wh-- Why aren’t you across the room sitting with her?’ The words came out of my mouth before I even realised what I was saying.

‘Because the best view is on this side, of course,’ Sarah whispered back, winking. ‘Best place to perv from.’

I blinked. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing; the hottest girl in the class - one of Katie’s closest friends - was admitting to me that she sat away from her friend to ogle her, just as I’d been doing. I blinked again, wondering if it was some sort of trap, to trick me into admitting that I liked girls, so that they could all make fun of me later.

‘You dropped your pen,’ Sarah was murmuring. ‘Be a good girl and pick it up.’

I automatically bent to do so, not even questioning why I was following Sarah’s instructions, knowing only that my cheeks were a flaming red and that I felt so terribly drab and out of place sitting next to her, her in her classy black tank and fashionably figure hugging jeans, a sharp contrast to me in my usual hoodie and baggy jeans, a shy and silly tomboy sat next to a diva.

Picking the pen up from the floor, I straightened and held up the pen, showing it to Sarah. I tried to think of some way to explain my staring at her friend, but my mind was flooded with embarrassment, leaving no room for thought.

Thankfully, Sarah rescued me from the predicament she’d put me in - well, sort of.

‘That’s a good girl,’ Sarah said softly, as if trying to calm a startled animal. I suppose I must have seemed like one to her right then. ‘There’s nothing to be ashamed of; she’s very pretty, isn’t she?’

Mutely, I nodded.

‘Look at her soft neck,’ Sarah continued. ‘Imagine kissing down it, licking along her collar bone, having her naked in front of you and offering up her cute little boobs, her quietly pleading you to suck on them.’

I stared across the room at Katie, my pen falling to the desk, forgotten. It was as if Sarah’s voice had hypnotised me; her vocalising my fantasies sucked me in in a way that forgot all restraint. I’d long ago forgotten about the class we were in; by this point I’d forgotten about breathing.

‘You’ve heard her talking.’ Sarah’s voice was a sultry whisper in my hear, each word making my body tingle and tense up in desire. ‘Imagine how she sounds when she moans, just picture her hot little body flushed and shuddering beneath your touch.’

I moaned. I couldn’t help myself; the sound was out long before inhibition or common sense could stop it. Thankfully it was a soft, quiet moan; more of a whispered breath. But I’m sure that Sarah heard, since she moved even closer. Her hot breath tickled against my ear as she whispered her next words:

‘Close your eyes, imagine her fingers slipping down between your legs, imagine how it’d feel as she touched you…’

My hand slipped down below the desk and between my legs. Then I realised what I was doing and jerked my hand back up on top of my thigh.

Sarah wasn’t deterred in the slightest. ‘…Your toes curling, your body arching back, every sense tingling, building up and released by you moaning out her name…’

‘Katie.’ Her name passed through my lips, no more than a whisper. I wanted her so badly.

‘…The feelings building again, more urgently…’ Sarah’s voice was soft, too quiet to be heard by anyone else, but fire against my eardrums, her words insistent instructions in my mind.

‘…Her fingers pressing up hard at the crotch of your jeans, seeking out your tight little pussy, so hot and wet and ready for her … mmm, so delicious…’

Cheeks flaming, trying to appear normal, I began to move my hand. My fingers slipped back down between my thighs. I slid them up and pressed them against my crotch. I could feel how damp my panties were against my lips. I thought about my juices soaking through my jeans. Didn’t care.

‘…The two of you staring into each other’s eyes as she makes you feel all these amazing feelings, her desire for you all over her face…’

I bit my lip hard, stifling another moan. Slowly raising my eyes, looking up through my lashes, I sought out the girl Sarah had me masturbating over in class.

Katie was staring right back at me, her innocent eyes wide and shocked.

We both went bright red and looked away quickly. I jerked my hand back up onto the desk where it belonged.

There was a loud crash.

I looked across the room - along with the rest of the class - and saw that Katie had lost her balance on her chair, tumbling back and hitting her head on the classroom floor.

‘Stupid girl,’ the teacher muttered. ‘Katie, what have you been told about sitting properly on your chair?’

‘Sorry, Miss,’ Katie mumbled, slowly righting herself and rubbing the back of her head ruefully. Her eyes were wide and looked like they were filling with tears.

‘You’d better get your head checked out by the nurse,’ the teacher told her. She looked up at the class. ‘Will someone go with her to the sick bay?’

‘Kate will take her,’ Sarah said, grabbing my wrist and raising my hand.

‘Are you mad?’ I hissed at her through the side of my mouth.

‘Just giving you a chance,’ Sarah whispered back serenely.

‘Okay, fine,’ the teacher was saying. She had to pause and look up my name from the class roll before continuing. ‘Kate, you can take her to the sick bay and check she’s okay.’

‘Yes, Miss,’ I said to the teacher, then glanced back at Sarah. ‘What am I meant to say to her?’ I whispered.

‘Just talk to her like a normal person,’ Sarah whispered back. ‘You’ll be fine.’

Flustered and blushing, I shoveled my books into my bag, then crossed the classroom. I looked about, sure I was being stared at by everyone, but the rest of the class had already gone back to their work, losing interest, with no idea of the naughty interplay that had caused the incident.

Katie, however, was well aware of what had happened, and was standing waiting for me, her eyes downcast, her cheeks as red as my own.

‘So, uh, we should probably get going,’ I mumbled.

‘Yes’m,’ Katie mumbled back, and together we walked, blushing, from the classroom.

Last edited by Leopard; 04-08-2011 at 11:09 AM.
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