Thread: [FICTION] Dignity Academy
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Old 03-18-2010, 06:57 PM   #1
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Default Dignity Academy

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I have read through a few stories and decided to post my own.It's my first one,so please bear with me.

Maria was home early today.It had been her last day of summer break,and she started school the next day.That was the day she dreaded.She arrived at her house after soccer practice,which she would be giving up to go to her new school.Maria hastily made herself a sandwich and plopped down on the sofa.She fished around a bit untill she found the TV remote, then switched on the the television and flipped to the news channel. The report was just starting.

"We're here live with Joanna Birch, the headmistress of the new and controversial school, Dignity Academy." the interveiwer was saying.She turned to a woman who looked to be about forty or so with short brown hair and a permanent smile plastered on her face. "Miss Birch, many people are saying that your new school is cruel, even inhumane." the woman looked as if she was glaring and smiling at the same time, but she answered in a strangely sweet voice. "My academy is perfectly humane. Parents send their children there to teach them pride. The academy is based on the idea that you cant know how important something is untill you lose it. We teach these children pride by taking it away from them entirely, so that they will understand what we want to teach them. I see nothing wrong with that." The news reporter looked a little scared of the woman herself. "Well, um, Miss Birch, could you tell us about some of the methods the school uses?" Miss Birch smiled sweetly. "Now now, if I did that, others might try to copy us, and we wouldnt want that now would we?"

Maria switched off the TV. She could imagine what would happen at that school. She never wanted to go. But when her mother had heard about it, she had set her mind on forcing Maria into going. Now she was enrolled, and tomorrow would be her first day. To make things worse, it was a boarding school, so she wouldnt even get to come home. Maria sighed as she heard her mother arrive at the door. She had a bad feeling about this school. If only she had known just how bad it would be....

Last edited by Leopard; 03-26-2011 at 05:20 AM.
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