Thread: Fiction: Erin's Hell
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Old 03-23-2011, 03:36 PM   #19
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Default Chapter Three Part 5

Mark hurried to the pile of clothes on the floor and again retrieved the handcuff key, along with the two smaller ones that went with the tiny locks holding the chains around her ankles. He quickly unlocked the remaining cuff, and Chris promptly pinned both her arms to the floor, preventing the struggle that Erin had seriously been considering: she did not want to get raped and was prepared to do anything to prevent it.

There was nothing she could do, however, as though her legs were strong, they were no match for Mark’s and Jason’s faculties. They gripped her slippery thighs tightly (some of her cum had dripped down them), and when Mark unlocked her chains, they each lifted up one of her legs, overpowering her attempts at kicking.

Chris raised her arms over her head, and together they hoisted Erin’s tall, naked body into the cool air, moving her out from under the harsh lights over to the bed in the corner of the room. The men heaved her onto the bed, and within an instant, Mark thrust himself upon her, pinning her down so that she couldn’t escape, his soft penis resting on her pubic mound.

“So who’s gonna fuck her first?” Chris asked, and Erin’s eyes grew wide.

Jason responded, “I think me, definitely. I’m the biggest and we’ll get the best scream from her if I pound her first, especially cause she’s still a fucking virgin. God, what a tease.”

Mark looked back at him and laughed, and Erin realized her chance. She slipped her wet body from underneath him, kicked his arms away, and rolled to the side and off the bed. As she made a break for the door, Chris leaped at her, grabbed her arms, and twisted her back around to face the bed. Jason immediately ran up to her and slapped her fiercely across the chest.

“Don’t … you … fucking … THINK about trying to get out of here!” he bellowed between smacks. Finally he wound up his arm and struck her semen-drenched face with everything he could muster. Erin’s cheeks burned like hell, and, tears pouring from her eyes yet again, she staggered backward into Chris’s body, unable to think straight.

“Ugh,” Jason exclaimed and wiped his wet hand on one of her firm, tender breasts, covering it in the disgusting semen-saliva mixture. Chris grabbed a fistful of Erin’s hair and shoved her forward; Jason slammed her back-first onto the bed, and Mark climbed on top of her once more, clenching his hands tightly around her wrists.

Erin couldn’t move.

“There’s nothing you can do this time,” Mark informed her, looking straight into her pretty green eyes, “so I suggest you quit being a little bitch and just take this willingly and try to look as pretty as you can, and we won’t hurt you any more. Okay?” Erin nodded her head, her face still doused in cum and saliva, and wondered how she could possibly look pretty now, and why her captors even cared. “No, answer me!” he commanded.

“O-Okay,” she stammered for the third time that night.

“Okay what?” Mark pressed.

“Okay, I’ll … try to look pretty for you.” Erin became aware that she hadn’t spoken in quite some time, and it felt odd to be speaking now; her throat felt scratchy and swollen, likely from Chris’s and Jason’s harsh treatment with their cocks.

Erin also had no idea what time it was, as there was no clock in the room. She guessed that car ride had taken about two and a half hours and that she’d been in the room for about an hour, so if they’d left the beachfront at around seven, it’d be around ten-thirty now. This estimation hit her hard: it was still early into the night, so there was plenty of time for more sexual degradation if her captors so desired.

Erin didn’t know how long she would be there for, either. She had heard one of the guys say something about her captivity lasting for “days”, which, if true, meant rotten news for her. She sighed to herself and decided again to just take whatever her captors had in for her tonight. Besides, she thought, the doors were made of steel and locked by combination; what would she have done even if she had reached the exit? Perhaps she could think about a better means of escape in the morning.
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