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Old 12-19-2020, 12:08 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by TiedInLatex View Post
I'll give you chicken.

- Hands on the back at all time, unless flapping a bit. Tom might tie the hands to make sure they stay in place. Elbows may still flap a bit.
- No speaking, only "gog gog, gargle glob"...
- Only food all day: Bread crumps, carrot or some corn.
- Food dispensed on the floor to be picked up (hands still behind the back).
- Water in a bowl.

Birds are also relative stupid, so act accordingly. No fancy communication. No request for television or anything (you may look if Tom is looking). Be content as the stupid bird you will be.

If Tom can provide some sort of birdcage, you will stay there when he chooses you to. Some bread crumbs will of cause help you enter. Birdcage could be a corner in the room, marked with a rope or so. Maybe under a table. If Tom takes good care of his chicken, he may provide a blanket or even some straw in your birdcage for you.

Tom may play with you. He can place a small trail of bread crumbs for you to follow. He can have you sit on his lap and nip his nipples or his dick if he like.

Your name for the day: Egghead. (Of cause you do not understand that. You only respond to breadcrumbs and stuff like that.)

A special game if Tom wish. Boil som eggs. Wait until they are not to hot. Then insert one in the pussy. Wait at least 15 min. Now lay an egg. Tom may choose how many Eggs he expect you to lay during the day. Remember to say "goggeliggok" when laying the egg. I hope Tom likes eggs.

If Tom is a bit of an animal molester ( I guess he is ), the pussy of a chicken is to small. But anal might be okay. So today, that is the only option.

When it becomes evening, Tom should rank his prime chicken. On a scale from 1-10. How good is it at laying Eggs. How good is it far play. Is it funny... etc. He might even make a medal for you (bronze, silver or gold) - and hang it around your neck to walk around with for the rest of the day.

When going to bed, Tom may choose to take his pet chicken with him - it may still nip his nipples or his dick, or he may leave it in the birdcage - until midnight when it transform into something else... but that is a completely different post.

Looking forward to reading the report.
ooh thankyou very much. This should be done Thursday
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