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Old 11-03-2020, 03:54 PM   #3
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Post Be Careful When You Visit a Witch on Halloween - Chapter 3

The night was winding down for Maple. Her last visitor had left fifteen minutes ago, and there were only a few people still outside on this chilly Halloween night. She purred contently, sipping away on her enchantingly warm tea. In retrospective, it had been a good year so far. She had been visited by almost all of her regulars, and she saw a whole bunch of new excited faces that were sure to return. The next year was almost guaranteed to be just as good as this one if not better.

There was a knock at the door, sending Maple jumping to her feet. One last visitor. Here we go! she thought. She opened the door and there was a man dressed as an American football player and an accompanying woman dressed as a cheerleader, complete with a colourful set of pompoms. They were a little different than her usual clientele. The thing that stood out the most was their age. By Maple’s well-educated guess, they were in their late thirties. Her average visitor was usually in their early twenties.

The couple stood there staring at Maple, who met the couple’s gaze with her own. It was clear that they weren’t completely uninformed visitors. After all, most adults don’t go trick or treating without their kids in tow. In a college town, like the one that Maple had purposefully located herself in, the college-aged young adults got in on the action.

This will be an interesting one, Maple thought.

“Alright then…,” Maple started. “You guys should know the drill by now. Is there something you wanted to ask me?” The couple turned to look at each other, looking for support from the other, unsure if they wanted to go through with this after all.

“Trick or treat?” the woman finally asked as the couple turned their attention back to Maple. Those were the exact words that Maple needed to hear. It was an ancient phrase of consent in the Witching world. One that could only be uttered truthfully under the one of the ancient consent wards. The very same ward that Maple had cast over her entire property before the start of the night.

“And you?” Maple asked the would-be football player. All visitors needed to say the phrase, it could not be said for them, or on their behalf.

“T-trick or treat?” he asked after a moment of hesitation.

“There we go. Was that so hard?” Maple asked. “You know, it’s been an interesting evening tonight. I’ve had all sorts of visitors, and done all sorts of things, so I think it’s fair if I cheat a little bit just this one time. I’m going to go choose both.” Maple smirked a little. She let that statement hang for a moment, letting it sink in a little bit. The couple stood there dumbfounded.

“I can tell that this is going to go a little differently than all my other visits so far. Why don’t we take this inside? I’ll make us a nice cup of tea and we can get down to business,” Maple said. She stepped aside and gestured down the hall towards her dining room area.

Her two guests sheepishly crossed the threshold into her house and made their way down the hall to the room that Maple had pointed out. Maple followed close behind, trying to overhear the quiet whispers shared between the couple.

“Are you sure she can help?” the man whispered.

“I don’t think she can make things any worse,” the woman whispered. “My girlfriend swears that visiting her is a life-altering event. We need this.”

“You’re right, it’s worth trying at least. It's a hell of a lot cheaper than couple’s therapy,” the man whispered back.

“Please take a seat and I’ll be right back,” Maple said. She shuffled off to the kitchen and allowed the couple to stew in their own awkward silence for a bit. If they were going to use her like a therapist, they can certainly afford to wait a few minutes as the tea brewed organically.


Maple returned with a tray of tea and all of the accompanying dishware in hand. She set it down on the ancient dark circular wooden table, and took the seat directly opposite of the couple. Without much fanfare she began to pour the tea, filling three teacups, and passing them out in turn. The couple fixed their tea as they liked it, the man taking more sugar, the woman added more milk. Maple leaned back in her chair and took a sip of her tea. It was perfect without having anything added to it. The couple each took a tentative sip of their tea and put their cup back down.

“Well, I can already guess what this is about, but go ahead and tell me what has gone wrong in your life,” Maple said.

“W-well, you see, my friend has visited you before, and she said you changed her life forever,” the woman said. “I told her all about our problems, and she said that we should come by here on Halloween night, in costume, and see if you can do the same for us.”

“Did she tell you exactly what I did with her?” Maple asked.

“No, she left out those details. I tried to pry into it, but she refused to tell me,” the woman said.

“So… What exactly are you too expecting from me tonight?” Maple asked.

“We’re not actually sure,” the man finally said. Maple let out a small chuckle at this.

“Okay, I’ll stop beating around the bush then. Please stop me if I’m wrong. You two are here because you are having couple’s problems. You’ve been married to one another for a decade or more at this point. Your daily life is going great, no problems at work, finances are in order, and retirement savings are accruing. You both wanted to have kids, but you couldn’t, and that killed the vibe in the bedroom years ago. How am I doing so far?” Maple asked.

The couple across the table were speechless, their jaws hanging slightly ajar. It would seem that I’ve hit the nail on the head, Maple thought.

“But it’s more than just that. You two are actually very similar in this department. Neither of you are openly experimental, and you’d rather be the one experimented on,” Maple said. She flicked her wrist. “I watched you to fix your tea without even trying it first. Where’s the adventure in that? I’ll have you know this tea is best taken without anything added. Go ahead and try.”

Maple gestured at their cups. The couple looked down only to find the black liquid reflecting their likeness back at them.

“How did you--“

“Ah-ah-ah. Just try it,” Maple said, cutting off the man. The couple sheepishly took their cup, and gave it a once over before raising it to their lips. They took a small sip, but quickly went back for more.

“See, you both actually like it. But you weren’t willing to step outside of your comfort zone,” Maple said. “You would have never known if I didn’t just force it on you.”

“You’re right,” the woman said. “You’ve been right on everything so far. That’s exactly why we are here.”

“I’ll go a step further. I can tell that both of you are natural submissives. Neither of you wants to be in charge in the bedroom department, and it feels taxing to be forced into that role,” Maple paused, letting her words sink in for a moment. “Luckily, I can certainly help in that department. Give me your hands.”

Maple spread her hands out on the table with her palms up, waiting for the couple to put their hands in hers. The woman went first, eagerly giving Maple a hand. The husband took an extra prompt from Maple before giving his own. Maple held them firm then concentrated, reading into their past.

“Ahh, I see. There we go. I know what I need to do with you two now,” Maple said. She let go of their hands and flicked her wrist. The couple recoiled, feeling a shiver in the wrist of the hand they had offered. They rubbed it but stopped when they felt something alien. Maple cackled as they realized that they couldn’t remove the foreign object from around their wrist.

“I started off with the trick. On your wrist you’ll find a metal wristwatch,” Maple said as gestured to the man. “And a stylish metal bracelet for you,” Maple gestured to the woman. “I would stop trying to take them off, they don’t come off, unless I, or a certified medical professional takes it off. Even then, they’ll just reappear afterwards.”

“While I was holding your hands, I made an important discovery. You both have been hiding things from each other. Don’t look at each other like that, neither of you cheated or did something malicious. But you two are some avid secret masturbators. Not only that but you two are actually above and beyond kinky. More than I expected at first, so I guess congratulations are in order,” Maple said while sarcastically shaking her hands in excitement.

“What do you mean? I—” the man was interrupted as Maple flicked her wrist at him. A pacifier gag suddenly appeared into existence and inserted itself into the man’s mouth. The straps circled around his head and cinched tight.

“You will only speak if I permit it,” Maple said. “I wasn’t finished talking. Ahem. Right, the bracelets. Or, I guess it would be more accurate to call them collars. You’re both very familiar with the concept, I trust? They come with a few features. First, and most important, neither of you will be able to reach an orgasm without my expressed permission. That’s right, I’ve ruined your private alone time. But I’ve also ruined your time in the bedroom together. Even if you two fuck all night there will not be any satisfaction unless I say the magic words. Do you understand?”

The two newly minted slaves nodded their heads in agreement, afraid to make any more noises.

“Good. Second, while you are in my presence, or you two are alone together, you will forget your names. You will only be able to refer to yourselves by the pet names that I have given you,” Maple said.

“That can’t be true,” the woman said. “My name is Princess Porkchop, and my husband’s name is Sissy Stinkybutt.” Princess Porkchop gasped, covering her mouth in shock. Sissy Stinkybutt made a muffled sound but looked at the floor, unable to look at anyone in the eye. Maple just sat back and laughed.

“That’s right. You’ll forget your real names, but you’ll still remember that your pet names aren’t your proper names. I love just how ashamed Sissy Stinkybutt has gotten. You’re not a big macho football player, now are you?” Maple asked. Sissy Stinkybutt looked at the ground as if he hoped it would swallow him whole.

“I think a change of costume is in order. Stand up,” Maple ordered, standing up herself. The couple were slow to get to their feet, as Maple expected. I can’t expect them to be too excited to jump into this. But that’s why they are here. They’ve been standing at the cliff edge looking at how nice the water is below, but neither had the courage to jump in. That’s why they need this push, Maple thought.

“Strip,” Maple commanded. The couple jumped. The soft edge in her voice was gone, replaced with absolute authority. The woman didn’t hesitate, eagerly throwing her cheerleading outfit onto the floor. Maple eyed her up. She was in great shape, a flat core, not much more than a few extra pounds on her. She would be right in place as a model for peak average fitness.

The Sissy Stinkybutt on the other hand was slow to undress. He quickly took off his shirt and shoulder pads, revealing a much thinner figure than Maple had expected. But, like his wife, he was still in excellent shape, a lot of lean muscle covered his frame. He stopped at his pants, fiddling with the drawstring, trying to buy a little more time. Maple had already had enough of his stalling and defiance. She rounded the table, and yanked down his pants, taking his underwear with them. She immediately grabbed his package, squeezing it painfully tight, and brought him down to her level.

“When I tell you to strip, or do anything, I expect you to do it in a timely manner. Do you understand, Sissy Stinkybutt?” Maple asked. She gave a good firm hard squeeze to his balls to drive home her point.

Stinkybutt frantically nodded his head up and down in agreeance, eager to stop the pain in his nether region. Maple withdrew her chokehold, and pulled her hand away, allowing his cock and balls to fall back into their natural position. Only, his cock stayed up. Looks like my little sissy enjoys having his dick tortured, Maple thought. She made a mental note. It certainly wasn’t an impressive package, that’s for sure. It looked to only be maybe three and a half inches long, at best. And it’s thickness left a lot to be desired.

“That’s better,” Maple said. “Now I want you both to spread your legs apart and put your hands behind your head. That’s good, I see that you’re both quick learners, with the right motivation. This is your inspection stance. Whenever I ask you to get ready for an inspection, you are to take this position and hold it until I instruct you otherwise. Are we clear?”

“Yes, Miss,” Princess Porkchop replied. Sissy Stinkybutt nodded along in agreement. Maple turned her attention to Princess Porkchop. Using her finger, she traced over the contours of her new slave’s body, savouring the moment.

“Well Princess Porkchop, I think it’s time I tell your sissy husband exactly how fucked up you are,” Maple said. “On the surface, you look perfectly normal. You workout, watch what you eat, are fairly clean and organized, but that’s all a cover. You desire to be dirty. You want to be filthy. You want to be a deprived cumslut who will do anything to get a load, no matter who it's from. But it doesn’t stop there. You have a serious deviation for bodily waste. You love the taste of your own piss. You’ve even been caught by your husband sipping away on it, passing it off as apple juice.”

Princess Porkchop was trying to stare holes into the floor between Maple’s feet. She was unable to look at either of them right now. She was blushing so bad that Maple thought she might end up staining her face. Maple grabbed her hair and pulled her face back up, forcing her slave to look at her.

“Don’t look away from me slave. When I am talking to you, I expect your full attention,” Maple said. “But I think I want you doing something useful while we continue to talk.” Maple undid the sash on her robe allowing the flowing garment to open down the middle. She slid it off her shoulders and threw it over the back of one of the chairs. Underneath, she was wearing a black leather corset that pushed her ample cleavage up, and two long black leather boots that ran up her legs almost all the way to her knees. She looked stunningly sexy, and it was very clear that she was the one in charge with the way that she was dressed.

Maple grabbed a hold of Princess Porkchops hair once more and pulled her down to her knees. She tilted her face upwards, and mounted it, smashing her sex into her slave’s mouth. Porkchop didn’t do anything other than stare up at Maple, her eyes starting to water from the lack of oxygen.

“Lick, slut. You might have fantasized about being enslaved by a male, but you will pleasure me all the same. If you want to breathe, I suggest you get busy,” Maple said. It took a moment, but Princess Porkchop relented and started to service her Mistress.

“That’s better,” Maple said. She let go of Porkchop’s head and let her breathe for a second before gently coaxing her back between her legs. “Where were we? Oh right, your love of bodily waste. You somehow love the taste of ass and waste. I have no idea how you discovered that one, but you are quite a filthy creature. You dream about being forced to piss and shit in your clothes and be forced to wear them like some kind of degraded whore. And that’s why you’re going to be my filthy little piggy.”

“Sissy Stinkybutt, come over here. I’m going to give you a very nice gift right now. Come get as close as you can to your slut of a wife and start jerking that pathetic pindick of yours,” Maple said. The man blushed but he did as he was told. He came over, got his tiny erect member within inches of his wife’s head and began to stroke it, using only this thumb and his index finger.

“Sissy Stinkybutt, you really are pathetic, you know that? Your cock is so tiny. I can see why your bedroom is dead. That does not spark joy in anyone. I don’t even think the seasoned plastic cockslut between my legs is able to feel you enter her. But don’t worry, that’s all behind you now. You won't ever penetrate your wife with that stub ever again. You’re such a pathetic cuck, you know that?” Maple said. “The only one fucking your wife from now on will be me.”

Maple waved her wrist and pulled Porkchop away from her crotch. Maple always enjoyed watching the look on her partner’s face when she suddenly grew a cock above her pussy. She watched Porkchop start to lick her lips. It was clear that at this time she much preferred to worship a cock over a pussy, but Maple would have to change that. But that was a goal for a different day.

“Sissy Stinkybutt, which cock is bigger? Please point to it,” Maple asked. Stinkybutt reluctantly pointed at her cock. It was an absolute monster of a unit. Eight and a half inches long, hard, and veiny. It looked like it belonged on a pornstar.

“Good girl,” Maple said. “Now keep jerking it, slut. Porkchop, I doubt you need any further instruction.” Porkchop devoured Maple’s entire manhood in a single go. I guess she really did practice with her dildo collection, Maple thought. Maple was caught off guard by the expertise serving her cock. She forgot where she was for a moment, enjoying the pure pleasure radiating from her groin.

“Oh right,” Maple said as she regathered her thoughts. “I guess it’s only fair if I let Porkchop know about your secrets too, Stinkybutt. You love cock and ball torture and small penis humiliation. You browsed caption after caption of men being degraded for their inadequateness between their legs. I’m not surprised, you were, after all, looking for people who shared in your unfortunate reality. You’ve heavily fantasized about being cucked. About a man coming into your relationship and relieving you of your duty, and delegating you to being an absolute bottom bitch. You dream about being forced back into diapers, being left in your own piss, and the piss of others while your wife gets railed in the room next door. You’ve played with your ass, stretching it in preparation to take larger and larger objects inside your slutty boi pussy. Turn around and bend over.”

Stinkybutt hesitated a moment, before doing as instructed. He bent over and touched his toes, leaving his ass well on display for both Porkchop and Maple. Between his hairy ungroomed butt cheeks there was a shiny red-jeweled butt plug shining back at them. Maple tentatively grabbed a hold of the plug and gave it a twist, eliciting a stifled moan from the gagged sissy.

“Did you know that he had this stuffed in his bum when he came out tonight?” Maple asked. Porkchop bobbed her head side-to-side on her cock, signifying that she had no idea.

“Wow, you’ve somehow managed to hide this from your wife for years. Good job sissy boy. Obviously, your secret is out now, so let’s make the most of it,” Maple said. She tugged on the plug. At first Stinkybutt’s bum held onto it, but it gradually lost its hold on it, letting it go with a comical plop sound as it left his asshole gaping.

Maple pulled her cock out of Porkchop’s greedy mouth. It’s time to share the wealth, Maple thought. When she looked down, Princess Porkchop actually had a pout on her face, as if she had her favourite toy taken away from her. Which, in a way, was very possibly true at that moment. Not wanting to let a good thing go to waste, Maple put Stinkybutt’s well-worn butt plug up to Porkchop’s lips. There was a tentative sniff before she eagerly enveloped the plug with her mouth. Maple turned the plug around, making sure to get it fully wet with her pet’s tongue.

“Lie down. Spread your legs and play with your sloppy wet pussy while you suck on your sissy husband’s plug,” Maple commanded, and Porkchop followed promptly. Maple picked up one of the chairs and moved it behind Porkchops head, then manhandled her new fuck boi so that he his arms and shoulders leaned over the chair, and his dangling manhood pointed down at his slut of a wife. Maple grabbed a hold of his hips, and lined herself up. She pressed the tip of her cockhead against his puckering boi hole and pushed in, the stretched hole offering limited resistance. He let out a stifled moan into his pacifier gag as the hard intruder pushed its way past his weakened defences. Maple waved her hand and the pacifier gag disappeared. Sissy Stinkybutt stayed quiet, only making small moans as Maple adjusted her position.

“So Sissy, who’s the man in your relationship now?” Maple asked.

“You are, Miss,” Sissy Stinkybutt said. Maple gave his ass a firm swat.

“That’s wrong, slut. You will address me as Sir, or Master. That goes for both of you. I wear the pants in this relationship now and you two are both going to enjoy your new position as my two new bottom bitches. Is that clear?” Maple asked.

“Yes, Sir,” Sissy Stinkybutt said. Porkchop nodded affirmatively, her mouth busy with her newest tasty toy. Maple began to withdraw her cock from her sissy’s tight hole, eliciting the cutest moan.

“Beg me Sissy to fuck you. Make it good, or you won’t get your treat,” Maple said. She held her hips still, threatening to pull her pulsing cock back out.

“Please Sir, fuck my slutty boi pussy. Please Sir, make me into your degraded bottom bitch. I am a pathetic excuse of a man, and I need to be put down into my place as a tiny-cocked ass boi. Please Sir, fuck me in front of my wife. Show her how a real man fucks, because she certainly hasn’t ever experienced that from me. Please Sir, I’m your pathetic sissy. Make me into a real mess, destroy my ass, I don’t ever deserve to be able to sit properly on it ever again.”

Maple’s dick grew even harder and longer, filling her sissy to his absolute limit. She had heard enough. Any more excited, and her magical dick might actually rip him a new one. She plunged back in eager fucking her new toy. His begging soon stopped, replaced by unintelligible babble that quickly was reduced down to the cutest moans that Maple had ever heard come out of a boy. Let alone a degraded man nearing his forties. Note to self: I shouldn’t gag him in the future. His moans are just too cute to pass up, Maple thought.

She wouldn’t last much longer, and from the collar that she had put on him, she could tell that he had been riding the edge for a while now.

“Open your mouth, Porkchop,” Maple commanded. “You may both cum.” The room echoed in cries of pleasure as both of Maple’s new bottom sluts erupted into the best orgasm of their respective lives. Sissy Stinkybutt shot his seed right across Porkchop’s face, coating her in a thick layer of cum. Most of which landed in her mouth, which was eagerly swished around and swallowed.

The scene was too hot for Maple and for the first time that night she orgasmed, filling her new cocksleeve with her faux cum. Her two slaves were out of it, panting, coming down from the heights of euphoria. Maple grabbed the discarded buttplug and popped it back into Sissy Stinkybutt without any resistance. She rounded the table and took her seat, raising her teacup back to her lips, savouring the perfect blend.

She snapped her fingers and the scene changed. The tangled heap of flesh that had been her two new slaves had been moved back into their respective chairs at the table. They were no longer naked. Maple had made the effort to redress them in a new matching costume. Both slaves were dressed in a tight pink latex dress that flared out over their hips, giving way to set after set of exposed petticoats. A pair of white mid thigh high socks and a pair of pink Mary Jane shoes finished off their little princess costumes.

“As I was saying, the collars come with some features. The third feature, I came up with especially for you two messy fucksluts. While the collar is on, you two will be experiencing nocturnal urinary and fecal incontinence. Just a little parting gift so that you don’t ever forget who controls your bedroom,” Maple said.

With that, Maple ushered her guests to the door and sent them on their way home with a set of gift bags in tow. She told them that she expected them back first thing in the morning for their first of many diaper changes. She sunk back into her recliner, and sipped on her tea. It had been an excellent Halloween night.

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