Thread: Fiction: Erin's Hell
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Old 03-12-2011, 03:37 PM   #9
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Default Chapter Two Part 4

“You must be liking this, you dirty slut: I knew you would,” Jason spoke again, grinning at her. Erin shook her head fiercely, and he slapped her again on the left side of her face. “Well, really, I don’t care if you like it or not; you’re gonna have to take whatever we want to give you.” She realized this was true and leaned her head back so that she wouldn’t have to watch any longer as Mark continued his harsh handling of her breasts, which she was sure were beginning to turn red from his carelessness. At that moment, he slapped her right breast once, then a second time: Erin craned her head forward and saw that it was, indeed, as red as the choke marks decorating her neck.

“This is what you get for being a teasing bitch!” Mark chuckled at her, striking her other breast with greater force, sending it bouncing back and forth. Erin grimaced in pain, and her captor laughed harder as the disgusting bulge in his pants grew even larger. He leaned forward, grabbed the breast he just slapped, and pressed his lips to it, flitting his tongue over her nipple and he cupped her other breast with his left hand. His tongue play felt better to Erin than the brutal slaps, enabling her to calm herself a bit, though the very idea of this unknown man forcibly taking advantage of her body still made her want to vomit.

Mark sucked hard at her swelling nipple and twisted her other, causing Erin to convulse in pain. Her legs twitched as he swallowed as much of her breast as he could and bit down rather hard, leaving her chest in agony. Moving to her other, now more innocent breast, he repeated the same shocking maneuver, and Erin noticed both Chris and Jason beginning to stroke their penises through the denim of their jeans, producing a soft, squeaking sound. Mortified by the pleasure the other men seemed to be getting from watching her be violated, Erin wished she could shrink down to nothingness to avoid their content stares; even death began to seem like a good option, but not one she would be able to choose any time soon.

“I think it’s our turn for a go,” Jason told Mark, who gave one final squeeze, then stood up, watching Erin’s nipples slowly go limp. Her naturally perfect breasts appeared a bit flattened and a great deal redder due to their beating, though, all things considered, still looked rather beautiful and succulent. Jason moved to her right side, and he and Chris knelt down, each taking one of her nipples, which instantly sprang back to full length at the touch of their warm tongues. Both were more gentle than Mark had been, and Erin unwillingly let out a soft moan in response to their tenderness.

“Careful, guys, she’s not supposed to be enjoying this,” he winked, as he unbuttoned and took off his shirt, revealing a toned body with a little chest hair, then tugged at the stiffening lump in his pants. Jason and Chris each promptly bit down, sending another sharp wave of pain down to Erin’s toes. The tinkling sound of her chains caught Mark’s attention, and he crouched down at the base of her feet. “You’ve got really sexy toes,” he said cooly as he ran his tongue over them, flitting in and out of the crevices between them, finally sucking each one individually.

Erin had a soft spot for feet and always loved it when guys licked her cute toes but somehow couldn’t derive any pleasure from this. In fact, the suckling job Jason and Chris were giving on her nipples felt better—for some reason, she liked Mark’s touch least of all.

Chris ran his hand over her stretched stomach, drumming his fingers around the red line left by Mark’s knife and her small navel, and pulled at her navel ring a bit while Mark breathed heavily on her toes, causing her to arch her back. Jason swept his hand underneath her, massaging her sleek, strong back, and Mark proceeded to slide his hands up and down her smooth, lotioned legs as he continued to suck on her toes. Erin decided to try to tolerate their gentle caressing for as long as it went on, though inside she knew they were only working to get her comfortable enough to submit more peacefully to what was to come.

Jason stopped his tender massage and slid his arm out from under her. Following suit, Mark and Chris stopped sucking Erin’s salty skin and rose to their feet, joining their comrade. Jason, too, removed his T-shirt as Chris did the same. Both men were muscular, with great bodies that Erin would, under nearly any other circumstances, be very allured by, but due to her anticipation of their upcoming actions, she instead just shuddered at the sight of their shirtless figures.

They backed away from her a bit, as if allowing her to take in the full picture, but she merely blinked at them, taking care not to let her eyes linger on one tan torso for too long. It was Chris who first unzipped his jeans, and Erin could hold back her protest no longer.

“MMMMFHHHH!” Erin screamed through the ball gag.

“What was that?” Chris asked, then stepped forward, bent down, and removed the gag.

“Please!” she loudly pleaded as soon as the plastic was out of her mouth, “I don’t want my first time to be rape!”

“Oh, so what it’s true what we were told, then! You really are as much of a tease as we thought! But don’t worry, we’re not gonna fuck you just yet.”
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