Thread: Fiction: My Sister's Friends
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Old 10-08-2020, 07:29 AM   #277
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Okay. So Chapter 46 is getting a little bit longer than I wanted so I'm splitting it in two. Here's the first half. This means that I still need to write chapter 47; and chapter 48 is the chapter that is already finished that I mentioned in my last update. I can also reveal that the content that I have planned for this story takes me at least through chapter 50 at this point. And, just knowing how things have gone on this story, we'll probably end up with more than 50 chapters before all is said and done. Thanks for reading!

Chapter 46

I told Lindsay everything that had happened since she left the day before. I told her how Marie commanded me to clean the entire house top to bottom and sent me to my room; and then I told her how I had this super vivid dream that, even though it got super weird and crazy, felt really real at the time.

Lindsay was happy that I had listened to Marie and cleaned the house as she had commanded. She made sure that I had slept in my tube sock like she asked. "Yes, I'm still wearing it now, my Queen," I answered. Lindsay giggled happily at my answer. She wanted to know what I thought of the dream. I told her that it was really weird and kind of scary before admitting, somewhat bashfully, that I did wake up with a full erection. Lindsay giggled again and told me, "Oh Pat, you're completely hopeless."

My parents were going to be home some time around noon on this day. Lindsay and I agreed that I should be home when they arrive. Lindsay commanded that I should be as helpful as possible when they arrive: carry in their luggage, ask them what I can do for them, and take every suggestion and request as a direct command. Then, after they seemed settled, I should get permission to go to "a friends house" (we weren't quite ready to reveal our relationship to my parents) and go over to Lindsay's. I acknowledged all of her instructions with "Yes my Queen" and then we said good bye.

It was a relief to untie my tube sock and pick a normal outfit that I wanted to wear. For the rest of that morning, I simultaneously felt like things were back to normal and also like I was a completely different person than I was two days prior. Neither Marie nor I brought up anything about what had happened or my being a slave that day and she seemed like she was pretty much recovered from it.

When my parents arrived I greeted them in the driveway and welcomed them home. I helped them carry in their luggage and other items as they told me about their relaxing weekend at the beach. When I asked them if there was anything else that I could do for them, they were a little surprised and couldn't think of anything but thanked me anyway. My mom remarked on how clean the house was. Too embarrassed to take all the credit and invite potential questions, I told her that Marie and I thought it would be nice for them to come home to a clean house and worked together on it. "That was very thoughtful of you two," my mom remarked. After a pause, she noted, "You seem different," and I told her, "I guess I just had a good weekend too."

After my parents seemed settled, I got permission to go to "a friends house" and gathered my things to leave. As I was headed to the door, my mom exclaimed, "Did you alphabetize the book shelf?" I answered awkwardly, "Um... yeah... I did... bye mom!" and quickly left the house to get in my car and get on the road.

I knew where Lindsay's house was and had driven past it on my way to other places but I had never been to her house before. When I pulled up, I sent her a text message to let her know I was there as she had asked me to. Her mom was home and she wanted to make sure that she didn't answer the door. Lindsay let me into her house and hurried me quietly upstairs to her bedroom. Once I was inside her room, Lindsay announced, "Mom, I have a friend over!" and closed the door. "I have to let my mom know when I have friends in the house," Lindsay explained.

After that, Lindsay and I just made normal small talk for a while. She even told me not to call her "my Queen" in case her mom decided to eavesdrop on us, which she apparently had a habit of doing. I told her that my parents got home and seemed to have had a good vacation. We joked about school and Lindsay going into her senior year. "The big woman on campus." Eventually she started to tell me some personal things that I only had passing knowledge of. Her parents were divorced and she lived alone with her mom. She only visited her dad a few times a year. She loved her mom but her mom also got on her nerves. She told me that her mom hadn't had a serious boyfriend in a while but that she was on a dating website and that she would go on dates about once a week, at which time Lindsay would have the house to herself. She said, "I'm not supposed to have boys over during those times but I don't care, that's when I need you to be over here." I told her that I would do everything I could to be there.

Eventually our conversation ran its course and Lindsay and I agreed that I would leave. We both got up and made our way downstairs towards the front door. When we reached the bottom of the stairs, Lindsay's mom was sitting at the dining room table going through the mail. "Oh hey, hang on a sec," she said hopping up from the table and hurring towards us, "I don't think we've met. I didn't realize you had a boy up there with you."

"Mom..." Lindsay intoned.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," Lindsay's mom continued.

"Hi Ms. Peale, I'm Pat. It's nice to meet you too," I said respectfully.

Lindsay's mom, Ms. Peale, put her hand out and I shook it. As we shook hands she raised her left hand, squeezed my arm and said, "I must say Pat, you are a big, handsome boy."

"Mom!" Lindsay protested.

"Oh... thank you Ms. Peale." I said, slightly embarrassed.

"Please call me Becky," Ms. Peale instructed. "'Ms. Peale' makes me feel old."

"You are old mom," Lindsay inserted.

"I'm not that old Lindsay. 'Old' is a state of mind. I don't feel old and I prefer to be called Becky, not Ms. Peale, is that okay with you?"

Lindsay's arms were folded. She didn't answer.

Ms. Peale turned back to me, "Why do you look so familiar? I've seen you before somewhere..."

"He's Marie's brother mom," Lindsay informed.

"Oh! Pat! Duh. It's been a long time since I've seen you. My, you've really grown up, haven't you?"

"Uh yeah, I guess so," I said.

"Pat was just leaving mom," Lindsay insisted.

"Okay," Ms. Peale acknowledged, "well don't be a stranger. Next time you're over you have to come say 'hi' to me before you go hiding away in Lindsay's room. I want to know who is spending time with my daughter."

"Okay Ms. P-, I mean Becky," I agreed, "I'll see you next time."

Lindsay walked me out the front door and apologized, "I'm sorry about that."

"It's no problem," I told her. Then I lowered my voice and said, "I'll talk to you soon, my Queen."

Lindsay smiled and answered, "All right, talk to you soon," as I got into my car before driving back home.
Read my story: My Sister's Friends
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