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Old 03-10-2011, 01:57 AM   #47
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Not sure why people are really butthurt over this subject. Big deal if a girl over the internet doesn't want to give out photos it's her deal and her right.

Quite frankly we guys are perverts, many if not most of us are after girls and will take anyone you find with tits. And basically over the internet people don't have the best reputation. It's easy to be stabbed in the back when all the other person has to do to never see you again is hit a single button and "poof" you're gone from their life and anything they got from you is theirs to do with as they wish. And quite frankly the demand for amatuer guys getting naked and masturbating no matter how hot they are, is probably 0 or actually probably negative. I'm sure many would like to see less naked men on the internet.

Though demand for amateur girls is quite high, always has been and always is. (See "men are perverts") So you may say you're trustworthy, but how trustworthy can you be if you're demanding and asking for naked pictures and you haven't even known the girl for a few months. In all honesty you can be talking for a year with someone and not really know them, in real life or the internet. Hell on the internet all you really know about someone is what they are telling you. You can't meet up with friends and get juicy details, you wont know any ex's or really anyone that can truely give you a full circle picture of the other.

So in conclusion stop bitching and moaning about not getting pictures, if the girl wants to show one she will if she doesn't either move the fuck on or treat her like a human being and you know be friendly and not just talk to them for their body. Girls do have this wonderful thing known as a personality that can be just as sexy as their tits.

If you can't find a girl that wont show even a modest picture in all honesty its not that the world is filled with fakes, your personality probably just sucks and reaks of "Gimme porns!"

Oh also for more reason why girls should actually refrain from giving out photos...How many times have you heard of guys life being ruined because he gave out a naked picture, now compare that how many girls you've heard of having their lives ruined, and well there you go. And don't give people that "Well they can hide their face and make in anonymous" crap. You know it might be a foreign concept but some people have this thing called decency and self respect.
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