Thread: Non-Fiction: 2 Straight Boys at a Sleepover.
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Old 03-05-2011, 04:53 AM   #134
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 93
Wink Final Chapter!

Hey guys, a massive thankyou for over 10,000 views! Was gonna post an update last night, but Dylan kept my attention on MSN so never got round to it. Blame him

Right this is the last chapter. Not much sexual action in this, as you've probably guessed - but gonna give you a choice on what I post for my next story once I've had a few comments on this last chapter. Comment, seems this is the last chapter, make me happy!

This is a pretty short chapter, but I wanted to get it written!

Part 10 - So that's it?

I woke up at about 10 the next morning, misty eyed and tired. My memory was hazy, but I still remembered what had happened the night before. I looked over to Ryan's bed, now empty with the covers crumpled up into a small pile at the end of the bed. I took out my phone and dropped him a text.

"Mate where are you?"

As I sent that, he walked into the room with a cup of tea and a cup of coffee. He knew I'd never liked tea, it's meant to be a really English thing to like a cup of tea and scones, but it's just not nice!

"Thanks man." I said, as he handed me the mug.
"No problem, I wanna talk to you about something Jack." he replied.
"Umm ok, I suppose." I'm not gonna lie, I was worried.
"You know back a while ago when I was hurt?"

Oh shit, I'd completely forgotten about that! Was he gonna tell me who did it? Why they did it? Ahh, just stop guessing Jack and listen to him!

"It was Josh."

Josh is kind of in our group of friends, he's a spotty kid that has a pretty high pitched voice, and lets just say you'd never be scared of him.

"Yeah, he did."
"Uhh, why?!?"
"That doesn't matter now, we need to get revenge!"
"Yeah, yeah revenge!"

We spent the rest of that day planning how to get revenge on Josh, but sadly for me there was still no mention of the amazing night we'd had just 12 hours ago. At a few times during this day I squeezed his crotch or slapped his arse, and he did the same back, but it was all so innocent! I assumed I'd have to take it that this sort of thing just wasn't for him.

The next day at school.

I walked in that morning, meeting Ryan, as we'd planned, outside the main school building where Josh spent his mornings, reading. Yes, while we were out mucking around and chatting, he was reading. Ryan was, for once, on time!

"Hey you ok ma..." I was stopped mid flow.
"Yes I'm fine, but we need to get going!" said Ryan, as he clasped my arm and pulled me through the double doors. As we predicted, Josh was there, but not reading like we may have expected.

We pushed open the door of the classroom he was in, ready to put our well thought out plan into action, when we discovered Josh passionately kissing another kid, Joe. This wasn't one of the variables we had expected. I looked at Ryan, and he looked at me, obviously both remembering what we'd done just 2 nights ago - but both too scared to mention it.

"It's not what you th..." Josh said, but I didn't catch any more because we closed the door and walked straight back out to join our group of friends.

Nothing else happened. Nothing else was mentioned. I took it that yes, we had fun. Yes, it was one of the best nights of my life. But no, no me and Ryan didn't, and never will have a long-term relationship. As much as I want us to, it just wouldn't work that way.

<3 <3 <3

Hope you enjoyed this story, please thank the thread if you did, and anyone that's been lurking, and even if you haven't, please leave me a comment below. I'll try and get this in completed stories soon, but don't stop checking this thread! No way! Within the next week or so, I'll be giving you a chance to decide which story I post next, and giving you sneak previews of them!

Love you all, Jack <3
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