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Old 08-10-2020, 11:06 AM   #456
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2020
Posts: 11

Name: Not telling
Age: 36
Sex: M
Sexuality: Straight
Location: Spain, won't specify further.

Answer the next THIRTY DIRTY questions with honesty and detail.

1) Do you prefer to shower or bath?

2) Tell everyone reading what you are currently wearing?
Short sleeve t-shirt, shorts, slippers. Sexy, huh?

3) If you had your own slave for the day, what would you have them do?
I'd have her naked all day and attending to all my needs, sexual or otherwise (yeah, they'd mostly be sexual).

4) If you were a slave for the day what would you like to do?
Anything not in my limit list.

5) Have you seen anybody naked? If so, who?
Yes, all of my girlfriends (of course). And when I was in school, there were two girls who used to show me their bare goods.

6) Are you naturally submissive or dominant?
I... don't really know. I guess it depends on the person I'm with.

7) What part of your body is your favorite and why?
Has to be the penis. It gives me lots of pleasure.

8) What part of your body do you like the least and why?
My back. Have a little skin problem there and it's not really pretty (nothing serious, and not as bad as it was when I was younger, either).

9) Have you ever lost a stripping game? If so what happened?
Never played one, unfortunately.

10) What age did you have your first orgasm?
Around 13?

11) How often do you masturbate?
Around 5-7 times a week. Used to be more, but sometimes life gets complicated.

12) Have you ever masturbated whilst someone else has been in the same room or in front of someone? If so who?
Yes, with one of the girls I talked about in question #5. One day she showed me hers, then I showed her mine and things escalated quickly .

13) Have you ever tasted your own cum? If so how did it taste?
Not the cum, but i have tasted my precum many times. Salty.

14) Tell everyone reading what you wear to bed?
Pajamas. Not really creative there.

15) If I gave you 24 hours to live, what sexual activities would you carry out?
I don't think I'd be in that mood, but if I have to choose, then a big orgy (XX girls-1 cock style) would do.

16) Do you enjoy giving oral?
YES. I'll eat any pussy that's in front of my face.

17) Have you ever tried anything anal? If yes, what?
Yes, a girl stuck a finger way in one time. It was by surprise and not bad. We repeated several times after that. I've also done self-fingering while in the shower, but not too often, I prefer other stuff.

18) Would you rather sleep with a guy or a girl?

19) When was the last time you orgasmed and what did you think about?
Yesterday evening. Alison Angel.

20) Describe your pubic hair style?
Wild! It's been a while since I last trimmered it.

21) How much would you charge for...
(i) Sex with someone of a different sex? Nothing! I'm free, ladies
(ii) Sex with someone of the same sex? A billion dollars?
(iii) Giving oral to a guy? Half a billion?
(iv) Giving oral to a girl? Free!

22) List your three most desired places you would like to have sex?
My bed, my shower, her shower.

23) Have you any sexual experiences in public places? If so please describe.
Yes. One day I left my home with only my keys (and my shoes ), took the elevator all the way down, got out and jacked off right there. Then I used the stairs to go back up. Typing it now I realize how crazy that was, especially the elevator part, since I literally had no escape if there was someone waiting for it!

Other than that, I used to flash my penis a lot in somewhat risky-but-secure-enough (or so I think) places.

To this day, I'm not sure if I was seen in any of those adventures, but they sure were fun.

24) What's the longest you've gone inbetween orgasms?
A couple of weeks.

25) Does the thought of being humiliated turn you on?
It depends on the level of humiliation. A little humiliation turns me on a lot.

26) Have you ever had anyone tie you up? If so did you like it?
No, but I'd love to.

27) If I made you invisible for the day, how would you use your new power for your sexual gratification?
OF COURSE. For the whole 24 hours, I don't think I'd get out of a women's locker room, complete with showers and sauna. I'm supposed to use my powers for good, after all!

28) Have you ever been caught Masturbating, or has anyone caught you whilst you were naked? If so who and when?
Never got caught, that I know of. When I've been seen naked, it was intended.

29) What is the most embarrassing dare you have ever been given to do?
No one has ever sexually dared me yet.

30) I didn't get one but what is your biggest fantasy?
Naked, blindfolded, and tied to a bed, for a girl to do as she pleases with me.

Question for next person: If you had the possibility of banging your best friend (of the sex you like), would you?
Male, straight, in my 30s.

Likes: Trying new stuff (basically anything not in the limits).

Limits: Any kind of pain, drinking anything, scat, permanent stuff, obvious public nudity, face pics, involving other people.

I'll show you mine if you show me yours . Just PM!

Last edited by Rbbrs3x; 08-10-2020 at 11:22 AM.
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