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Old 07-27-2020, 12:37 AM   #24
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Posts: 604
Default Dirty Piggy

Piggy well done on your last dare but we can do alot more.

Write on your forehead Piggy, on your stomach Fat Fucker, each inner thigh "beat my meat", on your love handles " Fuck handles" , on your breasts " udders", between you breasts draw a target with "cum here" in the centre", above your pussy write " stuff my cunt".

Go to your mirror and kneel legs spread and start applying makeup. Along with pig tails with a fringe to cover your piggy label. Apply your makeup nice and thick like the slapper piggy your are. Whilst you do this chant
" I am a fucking disgusting fat fuck of a piggy whore "

Piggy you are to then to change into your swimsuit. Followed by a pair of wellie boots. Not to the kitchen your first home piggy and go to your cubbards. You are to fill both wellies with eggs & milk. Take out some nuttela and spread it between you butt cheeks. Then find something to wrap in a condom and stuff your pussy with it.

Then put on a dress over the top. Put an open condom in your mouth and chew it like gum. Grab cash keys and a bag and head to the shops. Lucky you you get to wear a mask due to covid.

Pick up corn flower 5kg worth, some apple sauce, green food colouring, marshmallows, lube, cucumber to fuck your pussy with make it big.

Then head home on your way home make sure to oink out loud a few times as I know you'll be excited to the next part.

Once your home empty out the milk and eggs into a pans cook them, dump them on the floor and eat them. You dress can come off but keep the wellies on after emptying them for food piggy.

Now mix a large container all your corn flower, green dye, apple sauce and warm water until you get a wonderful gunge. Then go grab some porn put it on loud in your bathroom with the gunge and other bits ready.

Do a before shot of yourself with your mess.

Then grab your marshmallows and start stuffing them into your ass using lube. Try and fit the hole packet. Any you cannot fit go on the side you greedy piggy.

Now step into the bath and cover yourself in your gunge. Enjoy the messy and roll in your mess piggy. Then grab your cuecomber with condom and ducky your pussy. Fuck it and edge twice. Oink and squeel all your want.

Then bend over onto all fours, spit the condom from your mouth, put your face into the slop, slide the cucumber into your ass and fuck your ass. You can play with you clit with the other hand. Eat the slip Infront of you piggy and fuck your ass until you orgasm.

Afterwards any marshmallows you failed to stuff your ass with as going in now. Use the cucumber if needed.

Then deep throat the cuecumber, whilst you wait for the next porn video to end.

Now complete a post photo

Then wash piggy down and head to the mirror.

Look and what words remain, and set you phone wall paper to your photos. Then say for 5 minutes
" I am a fucking disgusting fat fuck of a piggy whore "
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