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Old 07-11-2020, 02:50 PM   #2
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Looks like a nice game

I was just very confused at the first game as this battleship-game doesn't use the usual rules. Wasn't able to find the last ship of my oponent because it's allowed to place 2 ships next to each other. usualy that's forbidden.
And it would also be nice if you (as in the usual game) you have another turn after a 'hit'. That way you'll always have a chance to win. If your last ship is hitten and you still have 2 ships to find it's impossible to win without that rule (not very likely - but possible )

But i realy liked the modes. The privat gallerie is a nice idea and also the 'add on' pics to get a better chance after you're naked.

And (as i'm playing on a desktop-computer) it's very anoying to click after every singel turn of me and my oponent. Make it a 3 seconds delay and better visible where the Computer made its hit and it would be better

And what also would be nice: A 'random' button for your ships. When i play online i usualy click random and just move 1 or 2 ships a little bit. That's easyer ^^

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