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Old 02-08-2011, 09:30 AM   #12
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Default Small continuation, been busy, sorry people!

The elevator doors closed; followed by the bitter sound of dull romance tones. Sarah returned to earth and head-butted the metallic doors, her hair cascaded down cheeks as she groaned.

“Stupid – say something, stupid!” she sighed.

The elevator creaked and hummed between tunes; Sarah remained glued to the doors as the ‘box’ filled with resentment and regret. Feeling a well of tears build behind her lids, Sarah pulled some tissue from her bag to clear them away. Her head lifted a moment and then thudded into the doors again as the elevator shuddered to a halt. The doors opened, Sarah backed away, brushed her hair back, smiled and walked out: headed directly toward her office. Sarah swallowed her sadness, entered the office and sat down to work.

The morning drained away - much like they always do; filled with the usual complaints and disgruntled readers. Sarah was used to abuse, always happy to handle the most difficult of calls. Sarah saw it as a chance to taste some form of degradation – something she had always longed to feel. Before Sarah realised the time her door opened to the friendly entrance of Claire - and her lunch cart.

“Hi Sarah, want anything today?”
“Is it that time already?” Sarah exclaimed.

Sliding a hand over the mouse, Sarah restarted her computer and rose from her desk to approach the selection of food. As usual there was little left over, she came to expect as much, but, always kept hopeful.

“Slim pickings again, sorry” Claire had a knack for stating the obvious.

“It’s alright, time for a walk – as usual” Sarah smiled.

“See you tomorrow then, I’ll keep something saved for you, if I can”

Sarah nodded, maintaining her smile to Claire as she left her office – she needed to go into town anyway, the item between her legs demanded life. The journey into town was a blur, too focused upon her goal to notice anything until she entered a store. Sarah approached the counter, noticing that the sales assistant behind was quite an attractive man – mid-twenties.

“I – I’m looking for some batteries” Sarah blushed.

“What type of batteries are you looking for, exactly?” he smiled – warmly.

“Ah! Um, I’m not sure” Sarah bit her bottom lip, for some reason his smile affected her.

“Hmm, what are they for?”

“They are for a...” Sarah blushed brightly “...A remote!” she looked at the ground – embarrassed.

“What size is the remote?” he continued to smile – politely.

“Well, it is a small one, maybe the same size as one for a DVD player?” Sarah giggled softly.

“I would have to assume, triple A batteries, they are on the display behind you” he chuckled lightly.

Sarah turned around and crouched to look through the selection of batteries; her skirt hitched up her leg without noticing – revealing enough to expose the hem of her stockings which held the control. As Sarah compared the prices and quality, the assistant took a glance at her – following the length of her slender leg – he noticed the control hidden mid-thigh in the hem. He smiled, recognising the design and purpose of such an item.

“I would recommend the high priced ones, they last longer”

“Oh, thank you” Sarah pulled a four pack off the hook they hung from.

She smiled; facing the assistant as she handed over the batteries to be processed. Taking them back after payment, Sarah could have sworn the man stroked along her hand with a finger, dwelling on the feeling as she left the store.

“I hope they are the right ones, have a nice day!” he expressed to Sarah as she left.

With a passing wave, Sarah had gone, immediately heading toward the nearest place she could get some food for her lunch. Already, the time had faded away and she was meant to be back in her office; but Sarah found herself sat in her car in the car park, opening the pack of batteries and retrieving the control form within her stockings to insert the batteries. The bullet roared to life – suddenly, Sarah spasms from the initial shock; a finger ran along the slider to lower its speed to minimum, then she exited her car and returned to her office.

Relieved that she decided to wear full cotton panties, Sarah’s journey was a much more enjoyable experience. Her scent began to fill the elevator again as her thighs rubbed together; shortly, the journey ended and she returned to her office. Phone calls came and finished, with each call came verbal abuse from irate customers – which led to the increase of the bullets speed – with audible effects.

The day ended like usual as Sarah finished off her daily report, shutting down her computer - Sarah sighed softly; the batteries had died an hour before and she was still very frustrated.
"For God's sake, give me the young man who has brains enough to make a fool of himself."

- Robert Louis Stevenson
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