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Old 02-07-2011, 07:29 PM   #79
KittyCat91's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Never Neverland. Second star to the right,& straight on til morning XD
Posts: 95
Default Chapter 10

We all got into possision on the basketball court. My team was on defense and Jeremy's on the offense side of the court. Since I was the only girl there, the guys decided that it would be fair if I get the ball first. So I went to go stand in center infront of Logan. Jeremy signed to me that wveryone was ready, and to start the game. So I began to dribble the ball,and running towards the goal.

Trey: Hey, Cat I'm opened!

I quickly looked up at Trey and saw that he was closer to the goal,and that Kaiden was behinde him. So I threw the ball to trey, he caught it and then threw it into the goal. Since Trey was standing at a 3 pointer line, that helped our team get ahead with 3 points.
As we kept playing the game got more intense. Whichever team got 15 points first, won the game. Jeremy's team ended up being ahead of us, the score was 12 to 10. Jeremy had the ball, but James stole the ball and passed it to me. I began to dribble the ball, running back towards our goal. Right when I was about to shoot, Logan jumped on top of me, making me drop the ball.

Cathryn: OW! Dude, this is basketball not football. Get off of me.
Logan: Sorry, I tripped.
Cathryn: (being sarcastic) On what, flat surface?
Kaiden, James,and Jeremy comes over to Logan and I to make sure that we're okay.
Jeremy: Cat,you shouldn't be talking when you do that everyday.
Cathryn: Whatever.
James: (takes my left hand and starts to help me up) You okay babe?
Cathryn: (I feel a sharp pain when James pulls my wrist) Ow! James, let go. You're hurting my wrist.
James: (lets go of my wrist) I'm sorry.
Cathryn: It's okay. I think I hurt my wrist when Logan made me fall.
James: Hey Bradon, can you come here for just a sec?
Bradon: Yeah, sure. (runs over to us from the side lines) Whats up?
James: Cat thinks that she might have hurt her wrist when she fell.
Bradon: Oh ok. Cathryn can I please see your wrist to see if it's okay?
Cathryn: Okay.
Bradon: (holds my left wrist) Where does it hurt the wrost?
Cathryn: (I pont to the right side of my scaphoid) Right here.
Bradon: (starts feeling my wrist) It does feel warm and swollen. Can you try to move it by your self?
Cathryn: (Bradon lets go of my wrist and I try to move it, but it really hurts) No, I can't. It hurts to move.
Bradon: Yeah, you spraind your wrist. I don't think that you should continue playing the game.
Cathryn: But I have too.
Bradon: I'm sorry Cathryn, but you can not play. If you do, you will end up hurting it worse.
Jeremy: Cat, Bradon is right. You can't play.
James: Will we still be able to continue the game?
Jeremy: Maybe, if someone on my team sits out with her.
Bradon: I'll sit out, so I can fix Cathryn's wrist.
Jeremy: Okay.
Bradon: Where's all of your first aid stuff at?
Jeremy: Upstairs, in the kitchen.
Bradon: Okay. Cathryn and I will go upstairs, while yall continue the game.
Jeremy: Okay.

James, Kaiden, and Jeremy went back to the middle of the court. I sart to grabb my clothes to put them back on, but Logan takes them from me.
Logan: I don't think so pussy Cat. (Evidently James must have heard Logan, because he threw the basketball at the back of his head) Ow,shit.
James: Ooops. Sorry, it slipped.
Cathryn: (laughing at Logan) So how many points does that give my team?.
Logan: (ignoring my sarcasim) Everyone has to stay nude until the game is over.
Cathryn: But I'm not playing right now. I have to sit out because you made me hurt my wrist. Please give me my clothes back.
Logan: No. You must of miss understood me. Not this game. You can't put your clothes back on until the game of truth or dare is over.
Bradon: (At the door waiting for me) Cathryn, come on.
Cathryn: Okay, I'm coming. (talking to logan) Fine, whatever.

Still naked, Bradon and I leave the basketball stadium, and we are now in the kitchen. I sit down on a stool in the kitchen, next to the counter. Bradon opens the freezer, and grabbs the ice pack. He puts a towel around it, and hands it to me.
Bradon: Let this stay on your wrist for about 20 minutes. I'll let you know when its time to take it off. Where do you guys keep you bandages and stuf?
Cathryn: (I point at the top droor thats next to me) Right there.
Bradon:Okay. (Bradon goes through the droor, and grabbs the lime green elastic compression bandage.) Lets take the ice pack off for just a sec.
Cathryn: Okay.
I lay the ice pack down next to me on top of the counter. Bradon gently takes my wrist and starts wrapping the bandage around it.
Bradon: (finished wrapping my wrist, and puts the ice pack back on) There ya go. Just leave the ice pack on for a couple of more minutes. In order to heal your wrist you will need to put an ice pack on it every day for atleast 20 minutes.
Cathryn: Okay. Thanks.
Bradon: No prob, just doing my job. Wanna go back down stairs to watch the rest of the game?
Cathryn: Sure.
Just as we were about to leave the kitchen to go down stairs, all the guys come back up.
Bradon: Never minde. So who won?
Kaiden: We did.
Logan: I call dibbs on shaving Cat's little hairy pussy.
Cathryn: (My eyes grow wide over what Logan just said) Like I would ever trust you with a razor,espeacially when using it on me. You already made me sprain my wrist, I really don't want you to end up cutting me open with a razor.
Kaiden: Alright. Cat, if you had to choose one of us to shave you, who would you choose?
Cathryn: I don't know. I don't really care who, as long as it's not Logan.
Jeremy: Is it Okay if I can? I mean, you do trust your big bro right?
Cathryn: I guess, and yeah of course I trust you.
Jeremy: Okay then. I will shave you. I'm going to my room to grabb razors, a towel for all of us to use. Kaiden can you get a bowl of water in the kitchen, and bring it out in the living room?
Kaden: Yeah, sure.
We all leave to go sit in the living room. Jeremy leaves to go to his room, and Kaiden is still in the kitchen getting the bowl of water.

Last edited by KittyCat91; 02-08-2011 at 09:00 PM.
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