Thread: Fiction: Forced
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Old 04-28-2020, 01:11 PM   #13
Whispering Dom
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Part 11

She looks up at him as he enters the room, elegant again in black tie. Slowly she gets to her feet. She had showered again, then sat miserably waiting for him. She had really thought that maybe he had cared for her, but no, it seems like he was just like the others, and she was just an object, a toy to be used whenever the urge took them. Does it matter what they do to her tonight? Does she even want to go home? What is there waiting for her? Nothing.

He walks to her, again she feels his eyes on her, but now there’s no arousal, she knows what he thinks of her. He strokes her cheek, and just for a moment the thought that he is looking out for her, cares for her surfaces again, but she pushes it back down. She sighs quietly as he places the mask over her eyes, and then puts his full face mask on. She follows him resignedly out of the room…

In the kitchen she once again picks up a tray of champagne, and takes it into the party room. It looks different tonight, there’s a big table in the middle of the room, presumably they’ll be having dinner later. Once again she offers drinks, and once again the guests take them, seeming not to notice she is naked, just treating her like a servant. She refills the tray and walks slowly through the room offering refills and taking the empties.

She’s almost not paying attention. She has been sullenly saying “You’re welcome Sir / Miss” when someone had thanked her, but otherwise it was just a like a bizarre dream, her naked, everyone else clothed but taking no notice of her nudity. Suddenly she hears a glass shattering just behind her. She stops, looking round. She sees that suddenly everybody is looking at her. Did she drop the glass? She doesn’t think so, but the room has seemed to freeze, masked faces staring at her, everyone’s eyes on the naked girl. Her heart starts to beat faster.

She looks around panicked. Where’s the guy? Even if he doesn’t truly care for her, surely he’ll be there to protect her. Again she looks at the guests, their masks just stare back at her as if she’s made some terrible mistake. She swallows hard.

“I-I’m s-sorry Sirs… And Misses…” She wants to cry. No-one moves, still just staring at her. She moves to pick up the broken glass, but suddenly there is a swirl of activity and the tray is taken from her hands and she feels her wrists grabbed. She struggles, trying to get free, she cries out, looking around desperately for the guy, her security. She cannot see him anywhere.

She feels herself being dragged towards the table, she struggles, then she feels hands grab her ankles and she is hoisted into the air. She screams out, crying now, but she is carried to the table and set down, face down, her wrists and ankles tightly held, spreadeagled out. She is crying out, begging for mercy.

“P-please… It was a m-mistake. I’m so sorry, please…” she sobs. But the hands grip her tight.

“You’re a very careless young girl.” A male voice hisses into her ear. “You will be punished for being so careless.”

“NO!” she cries out. “Please, I’m s-sorry…”

Her plea is cut short as she feels a searing pain across her buttocks, and she screams out. Again the pain, and she realizes she’s being flogged across her naked bottom. Her eyes well up with tears as the flogging continues, her buttocks radiating pain and heat. The lashes stop, and she gasps in lungfuls of air, the only sound in the room her gasping and sobbing. Then suddenly more pain. Not lashes again, a flatter, harder pain, and she realizes she’s being spanked with a paddle. The pain to her already stinging buttocks is excruciating, and again she lets out an agonized wail of terror.

The spanking stops, but the relief is short lived as she feels the whip again. She doesn’t have the energy to scream any more, she just whimpers constantly, tears falling from her eyes. What are they going to do to her. She feels genuine fear, will they stop at a spanking or will her punishment be worse. She shakes her head from side to side. The hands holding her never loosening their grip. Where is the guy? she thinks, why does he not come to rescue her. Surely he wouldn’t want to see her treated like this. But she knows she is alone, at the mercy of the guests, this is what she was brought here for.

Her bottom is hot and painful, she cannot imagine how it must look. She is sobbing quietly, held down fast. The spanking seems to be over, but they are not letting her up. She struggles, trying to break free. What now? Suddenly she feels a sharp, stinging pain to the ball of her foot. She yelps with surprise, and then another sharp stinging pain to the other foot. It takes her a long while to realize that they are using a paddle to spank the soles of her feet. It hurts even more than the whipping and spanking to her bottom and she writhes in pain. She tries desperately to free her feet, but her ankles are held tight.

“P-please stop… I’m so s-sorry…” she wails out. “I’m sorry…” her voice tailing off into sobs.

The paddling stops. There is silence save for her sobs. Still the hands hold her down tightly, spreadeagled on the table.

Suddenly she feels a searing pain in her behind. She’s shocked into silence, her eyes water, and she realizes she’s being fucked in the ass. Her landlord had done that once, but whoever is doing it now is bigger, and it’s in no way erotic as it had been when it was the guy’s finger. She moans pitifully. Her eyes are closed from the pain, and then she feels something by her mouth. She opens her eyes and sees an erect cock. She chokes back a sob, then gags as it is forced into her mouth.

She lies helplessly, held down tight while her ass and her mouth are fucked. She tries to let her mind go blank, to ride it out. There’s no arousal, she just wants the humiliation and the pain to be over. She shudders as she feels the cock pulled from her ass, and then feels the spatter of semen onto her burning bottom. She whimpers quietly around the cock in her mouth, just as she feels it spasm and spurt into her mouth. She gags as it pulls out, choking and letting the semen drip from her mouth onto the floor.

She lays limp on the table, sobbing, heart pounding, trying to imagine herself somewhere else. Still the hands grip her wrists and ankles tightly, tears run down her face under the mask and drip on the floor. She takes deep breaths, hoping against hope that it’s over, that the guy will come and rescue her from this torment. But he doesn’t…

Her breathing finally slows, her sobbing subsiding. She squeezes her eyes closed, hoping that perhaps this is just a bad dream, that she will awaken in her shitty apartment. But she knows it’s not. The pain and heat radiating from her bottom a grim reminder, the stinging on the soles of her bare feet, and the semen still dripping slowly from her mouth.

She feels her legs being pulled wider apart and tenses. Still it makes her cry out when she feels herself suddenly penetrated. She’s not aroused at all, and whatever, whoever is entering her has to use force. She sobs again feeling her pussy filled. And then, to her dismay, another erect cock in her face, pushing between her lips. Again she chokes and gags as she is forced to take it deep into her mouth.

Again she tries to close her mind to what is happening. She tries to imagine better times, thinks of her life before with her boyfriend, of being cared for, cared about. How had it gone from that to this, to being held down, naked and exposed being abused by masked strangers? Her eyes fill with tears, tears of sorrow mixing with the tears of pain and humiliation. She wishes the guy would come and save her, but she knows he will not, knows he cannot. This is why she was brought here, last night was a decoy to lull her into a false sense of security, this is why she was brought here, and she knows the guests are relishing her discomfort, her humiliation and yes her fear. Because it is real, very real.

She feels the cocks in her mouth and her pussy are thrusting faster and harder, ready to finish. She opens her eyes, desperate as she feels the cock leave her pussy, and again feels semen spattering onto her butt, and then the cock is pulled from her mouth, and she watches helplessly as a hand grips it, stroking hard before it shoots it’s load over her face making her whimper.

She lays still and limp again, but she’s given no respite. She feels herself being grabbed on the side and rolled over onto her back. She lets out a cry of pain as her buttocks make contact with the table then groans with the humiliation of being manhandled like this, and then her legs and arms are gripped tightly again, her legs spread wide, her hairless pussy entirely exposed to everyone there.

From behind her mask she looks around, desperate to see the guy, to make eye contact, to tell him this is too much, but she doesn’t see him, just masked men and women standing around her silently looking down at her. Strangely, she’s grateful for having the mask, she may be totally naked and exposed, but just hiding her eyes, the windows to her wretched soul gives her some comfort. She drops her head back, not wanting to see her tormentors.

Again she feels herself being penetrated, and she whimpers. Amazingly, despite the circumstances, the previous fucking has generated some lubrication, making this next violation slightly less agonizing. No, she’s not turned on, not remotely, but she’s got wet. She lifts her head to look at the person taking her. To her dismay, she thinks it’s the man from the dimly lit room last night, but instead of the gentleness and eroticism of last night, he’s fucking her hard, gasping with the exertion. She wants to cry. How could a man who had previously been so gentle, now be using her like a piece of meat?

She shakes her head sadly. Surely this must soon be over, this is the fifth cock, and there are only five men… It gives her just a glimmer of hope that soon she will be released. She looks again at the man between her legs, can see and feel him thrusting hard, and then she sees him pull out and his cum spurts up her body, making her moan.

It must be over now, they’ve had their pleasure with her, an unwilling victim. She turns her head, and finally she sees him, the guy, looking over at her from the side of the room. She sighs and waits for him to take her, to rescue her and lead her ravaged body from the room, waits for her hands and legs to be released, but they are not. Suddenly she hears a voice, quiet, whispering in her ear.

“You’ve been a bad and careless girl, but I think you’ve learnt you lesson, haven’t you.” She nods her head frantically.

“Yes Sir. I have Sir, I’m so sorry Sir, I have learnt my lesson, I promise Sir.”

“Good. Then we shall give you a small reward for enduring your punishment and for learning your lesson.”

She says nothing, confused. Reward? What could they possibly give her that she’d think of as a reward except to let her go, let her go to the arms of the guy.

“Well girl. Do you want your reward, or must we punish you for being ungrateful?”

“NO! No, please Sir, I’ll take the reward, please don’t punish me any more, please Sir.” Her heart is pounding again, dreading the thought of more punishments, and what they might possibly be to follow on from what she’s already had to endure.
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