Thread: Fiction: Bathtime
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Old 04-02-2020, 02:02 PM   #7
MasterBilly's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: UK, Manchester
Posts: 72

“Right John we’re now going to give you a haircut, but not up there little brother,” she said pointing to the top of my head. “That’s right, we are going to shave your pubes for you. By the time we have finished you will be totally bald below your waist.”

I was horrified, I had only just developed full pubic hair, as recently as last year it was still downy fluff. If they shaved me then everyone in the school showers would see it, not that we spent a lot of time studying each other’s cocks, but like most boys I did have the occasional peek in there. I would be the laughing stock of the entire year.

“Nooooooo please, not that Helen, please,” I called out moving my hands around the front to protect my pubic area.

“Get your fucking hands behind your back you fucking wimp!” Helen shouted at me.

“Please Helen, please, not that, I’ve been a good boy,” I was getting desperate now, quoting Paula in some pathetic attempt at asking for mercy. “Please don’t Helen,” I was close to crying again.

Helen got up, walked towards me and with her face only inches from mine literally screamed into my face.


Shaking like a leaf I place my hands behind my back again.

"Please don't shave me down there, please Helen, I'll do anything you tell me, honest," tears were now streaming down my face. Helen had taken a step back and was no longer in my 'personal space'.

"I know you will do whatever I tell you, from now on you will be totally obedient to me little brother or I will socially ruin you for life. Now get it into that tiny, minuscule brain of yours that you are going to be shaved downstairs by me, Paula and Jo right here, right now. If you even move a muscle, back away, protect yourself with your hands or try to stop us in any way then I will go straight into my bedroom and email a video link of your last wank to Peter Carmichael and Robert Denver is that understood?" Helen told me, the volume of her voice had reduced back down again. Peter and Rob were my closest mates, if they saw that last wank of mine, pumping my arse with a vibrator and masturbating at the same time, all the while writhing about, moaning and groaning with pleasure! Well, they wouldn't be mates much longer and they almost certainly would not keep it to themselves, I reckon that it would take about 6 hours to go around every kid in my year at school. Once again Helen had me, I thought again for about the 100th the time over the last week, why didn't Dad fix that bathroom lock straight away, all the shit that I was now in was down to that.

"Yes Helen I understand," I replied, tears now streaming down my face.

There followed a brief discussion as to who would do what, the conversation took place as though I was not there. It was finally agreed that Paula would trim and then shave my pubic mound, Jo would have the pleasure of shaving my cock and scrotum, then Helen would have the final honour of shaving the crack of my arse.

My mind was in turmoil, firstly they were going to shave my balls, somebody was going to run a razor blade over my testicles, just one slip and........? Oh bloody hell no! But then they actually wanted to rub shaving cream over the crack of my arse, get close up and then shave me there! This was far beyond perverted, why in the name of God would anyone want to do that? But my own sister? And I was supposed to just stand there and let her?

Wrong, wrong, wrong! Wrong on about 20 trillion levels.

I was by now crying out loud, crying like a little baby as Paula trimmed my pubic mound. Slowly, deliberately taking her time, she carefully trimmed me as I looked down at her, crying hysterically but trying not to move my hips at the same time. The contrast of two people's emotions who are in such close proximity can be truly amazing at times, this was without doubt the worst and most humiliating thing in my entire life, yet I could only suspect that it was just about the most brilliant of Paula's.

Her left hand occasionally came into contact with my cock, moving it from side to side as she trimmed around it.

"Careful you don't cut his cock off," called out Helen. "It's so small you might mistake it for a pube!"

"Ha ha, yeah you're not wrong, but as it is so small it is easy to move it out of the way," replied Paula; Jo sniggered in the background.

The comments cut right through me, making me feel even smaller which I suppose was the intention. Paula, kneeling down, was obviously only inches from me, staring intently at what should be a very private part of my body. Helen and Jo were crouched just behind, also concentrating on that area but occasionally looking up at my face to soak up my humiliation.

Once reduced to stubble Paula produced the shaving cream and lovingly applied it to the area to be shaved, occasionally playing with my knob with her greasy fingers, pulling the foreskin back, tapping gently on the end and then returning to the stubble. I stared down with a sinking feeling in my stomach as she picked up the razor and made the first couple of scrapes. Bare flesh on my pubic area came into view, a site that I had not seen for nearly 2 years, I now fully realised that I was to be shaved totally bald, up until this point I had been praying at the back of my mind that they would not actually go this far, that maybe once they had trimmed the stubble they would stop and say that they were only joking, but now it hit me, I really was going to be shaved. Putting the razor down she then picked up a hand towel and wiped me clean before running her finger over the newly shaved area.

"Hey girls it's lovely and smooth, come and have a feel of this!"

Within seconds several fingers were caressing that area, I looked down in disbelief as my penis seems to be getting longer and the foreskin started rolling back on its own. The girls must have noticed and I am sure the fondling would have gone on longer but Jo was becoming impatient.

"It's my turn next, Paula can you let me have the razor and shaving cream?" Jo asked shuffling her way to the front, her lips only inches away from my semi, but any thoughts that I may have had in that direction could be left in fantasy land.

Her fingers pressed the cream into my balls, I stood there stupidly looking down, there were four of us in the bathroom and all four were staring intently at my scrotum, me wondering how much longer it was going to go on for, surely once they had shaved me they would have done enough and would let me go, wouldn't they? I received the odd tingle from my balls, then again; not enough to turn me on but it was arousing. My balls were now covered in shaving cream but Jo still felt the need to keep on rubbing them. The sensations were building up and I am ashamed to say that I was enjoying it, but managed to suppress any obvious moans.

Jo picked up the razor and stretching my skin tight drew the razor along the surface. The moment I was dreading had arrived, I was shitting myself. The razor glided over the taughtly held skin, I noticed that I was now losing my semi, to nerves I suspect. My knob kept getting in Jo’s way, she was already using both her hands to shave me.

"Somebody hold his prick up out of the way," asked Jo, getting a little frustrated.

Sister Helen was nearest, she reached down, pulled back the foreskin and lifted my cock upwards towards my navel, my sister, my own sister. I supposed I should have got used to the humiliation that they were constantly pouring on me but I struggled to accept this. My own sister holding my cock by the bell end whilst another girl shaved my balls with one other watching on and me being forced to stand there and take it. I managed to stop myself crying out loud but tears were dripping down my cheeks. Then she started shaving the underside of my scrotum and those electric pulses started again, as I say she was taking her time and before long I was sporting another erection. Helen was by now no longer holding my cock but simply supporting it. Her long fingernails lazily scratched my glans.

"Hey look, he's producing precum," laughed Helen out loud.

I looked down at my cock, feeling sick I realised that my own sister had caused me to generate precum.

"See if you can make him cum Helen," called out Paula to Jo's amusement.

"No fucking chance, he's my brother! I am not having his 'boy fat' is dripping off my hands."

'Thank fuck for that,' I thought to myself, that would have been all my worst horrors rolled into one. Though I did notice that Helen carried on scratching my tip with her fingernails, until Jo took over and started rubbing cream in over my now rock hard cock.

That was incredible and I knew that I was close to cuming, I closed my eyes and held back the best I could, I was so, so close I felt sure that I was going to blow my load, especially when her fingers ran over the end. Just at the last minute she picked up the razor and started shaving my cock. It should have been humiliating, but I was just glad that I had not ejaculated. With my eyes tightly shut I endured my first ever cock shave, Jo was being very slow to shave me, around the top of my cock she spent time double shaving the tufts on the border with Paula’s area. I felt my arousal dropping slightly and by the time Jo was finishing I knew that I was safe.

"I'm next," said Helen with some authority."Turn around John, spread your legs, bend over and pull your cheeks apart."

I knew that there was no point in arguing and my sense of ‘oh hell, let's just get this over with' took over.

Looking up from my bent over position I saw Paula staring down at my face with a massive grin. Jo was inspecting my anus closely and Helen was rubbing shaving cream in the palm of her hand and about to apply it.

That first touch really shocked me, my sister had only just finished playing with my erect cock, forcing me to produce precum and now she was rubbing shaving cream around my sphincter. I was literally shaking with the humiliation, but when I felt her fingers rubbing over the very core of my bum hole I could take it no more, I started crying out loud, louder than I had ever done since being a baby.

Jo and Paula were for taking great delight in watching me cry uncontrollably, Helen was totally ecstatic about it. She actually put her finger nail on the tight opening of my bum and scratched it lightly. I cried harder and louder, nobody should ever have to put up with this level of humiliation, ever.

Of course the three girls were now just in hysterics at my plight and it took some time things to calm down. With Helen repeating her tickling of my anus again and again, with Jo and Paula literally rolling on the floor laughing, me bent double crying my eyes out and tears running down my forehead into my hair.

Composure was eventually restored and Helen picked up the razor as my crying was reduced to sobs, I felt her scraping away. She was very patient and made sure that she did a very thorough job, Jo and Paula congratulated her on how smooth my crack now felt when they run their fingers up and down it after she had finished.

"Smooth as a baby's bum," stated Paula.

"It is a baby's bum," replied Helen. "A cry baby’s bum."

"Cry baby John's bum," joined in Jo, all laughing at the joke.

I was made to stand upright in the bath whilst they ran the taps and then proceeded to wash my arse, cock and balls; claiming that they needed to wash all the shaving cream off. In reality it was just a blatant excuse to feel up my bits again, especially as Jo spent a full 5 minutes washing the crack of my arse with the palm of her hand and most of that time fingering me with two fingers.

The girls then insisted on drying my bits with towels before positioning me on all fours, at Paula's insistence.

"What are you going to do Paula," asked Helen echoing my own thoughts, though with excitement rather than fear.
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