Thread: Fiction: A Dinner Party and Dares [R]
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Old 01-27-2011, 10:07 PM   #1
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Post A Dinner Party and Dares [R]

This is my first story on here, but I have always liked writing so I thought I would give it a try.

This may start slowly, but it shouldn't take to long to get to the good stuff.

Chapter One: The Setup

I was sitting on the couch next to my girlfriend, Cindy, watching a movie. She watching whatever romantic comedy was on, I was enjoying the feel of her body snuggled into mine. We had been dating for almost two years now, and had been living together for a few months. She was the love of my life, and we had a terrific relationship. We complemented each other well, as she was a spontaneous, fun loving, maybe a bit wild, while I was much more even-tempered, cautious, slightly prudish even.

Like any couple, we had our problems, and those things that complemented each other so well were often the source for those problems. She always wanted to try new things, while I tended to want to stick to what we knew. Usually, she got her way, and usually I ended up liking it, but it did cause some friction. With those differences though, we were still always willing to talk about anything with each other, and that, above all else, is what made our relationship work.

As I was thinking about these things the movie ended and Cindy stirred, looking up at me. “You know what that movie made me think of Tim?” she asked.

Now, I had payed next to no attention to the movie, so I had no idea what she might be getting at. So I simply looked down at her, smiled and said, “What, honey?”

“We haven't had anyone over to our house for awhile. We should have a dinner party. Maybe play some games. It'd be fun, don't you think?” She smiled a sweet little smile, and said it in such a sweet tone that made it nearly impossible to say no.

Now, some people might wonder why I would even have reason to say no, but you don't know me very well. I dislike parties, with a fiery passion. I don't like socializing for the sake of socializing. I especially don't like entertaining at home, not only because I have to clean up, but because I have always seen my house as my safe place, where I come to get away from the world.

I thought quick and decided to ask a question first. “Who were you thinking of?” I was hoping that by making her actually start putting a plan together she would let it go.

“Just a small group, maybe Mike and Allison, a few others maybe, you know, friends.” Mike and Allison were close friends of ours. I had met Mike a few years ago and we really connected. He married Allison after several years of on-and-off dating, and she and Cindy had connected when we introduced them. I gave in, It really wasn't much, and she was talking about friends. I would probably have fun, and I knew she liked having people over, even if I didn't.

That night in bed was really hot. She was into it more than usual and seemed to have multiple orgasms. After we had cuddled a bit afterward, I asked her what had gotten her so hot. She thought about it for awhile and then said something completely unexpected. “Have you ever fantasized about being with other women?”

This wasn't an odd questions in particular, but was odd in the context, and made me curious. “Yes, I suppose so. Most, if not all people do at some point. Are you saying that you were fantasizing that I was someone else tonight?”

She smiled, “Well, not really. You were you, but you were watching me with someone else.” she gave me a playful smile. “Have you ever fantasized about Allison?”

This gave me pause. My girlfriend was asking me if I fantasized about my best friend's wife. And she had just admitted to fantasizing about me watching her with someone else. I just felt weird. But I wanted to be honest, as we always tried to be with each other. “Yes, I have. Nothing specific, but she is very attractive. What does that have to do with tonight?”

“Well, I was thinking about Mike and Allison tonight. It got me hot. You certainly seemed to enjoy it, too.” she smiled naughtily. “You have my full permission to fantasize, by the way, so don't feel guilty. I enjoyed tonight, and I wasn't fantasizing the whole time, I love you.”

“I love you too honey.” I kissed her and we laid down to sleep, but now my mind was filled with thoughts of my friends and my girl, and a dinner party I didn't know what to expect for anymore.
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