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Old 02-22-2020, 02:52 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by cho View Post
Do you consider yourself to be in a romantic relationship with your sir?
How would you describe your level of intimacy with him, both in terms of sexually and non-sexually?
Do you have future plans together in terms of the relationship?
How do you navigate health issues (both physical and mental health) in terms of your relationship? What happens when either of you gets sick?
Do you ever experience "low points" or extended periods or time with very low sex drive? If so, how do you cope with that?

Also, just wanted to say congrats for lasting that long without an orgasm. It's very impressive!
Do you consider yourself to be in a romantic relationship with your sir? I would say yes. It definitely feels like a romantic relationship for sure. Despite all of the rules and whatnot, the underlying tone is a loving and caring tone. So yeah, I would say it's a romantic relationship.
How would you describe your level of intimacy with him, both in terms of sexually and non-sexually? There is a lot of intimacy for sure. In a non-sexual way, there is just a lot of cuddling and caring happening. Even though Sir is my Master and ultimately makes the decisions, I do get to have my say for a lot of things as well, and Sir listens to what I have to say and I feel that he considers it when making decisions. Of course that's not always the case (like if I say that I don't want to be canned, it likely won't impact Sir's decision on whether or not I get canned). And sexually, there is also intimacy. Perhaps in a different light than what is traditionally considered intimate, but there is a lot of touching, teasing, caressing, kissing, licking, etc.
Do you have future plans together in terms of the relationship? Well, as I mentioned before, we did just re-up our Owner/slave contract for another year. So that's a relatively short term plan, but still a future plan. We have also discussed long term plans far beyond the next year. For example, Sir wants to bring me on vacation to Laos in 2023, and is contemplating purchasing a vacation home for us to use in Spain at some point. I would say that right now the future plans seem to indicate that we will be together in some way similar to the way we are now (again, continuing to change and evolve to adapt to the current life situations)for the foreseeable future.
How do you navigate health issues (both physical and mental health) in terms of your relationship? What happens when either of you gets sick? For physical health issues, we deal with it the way most people do I would say. If it's minor, like a cold, we take care of it to the best of our abilities. And if it's more serious we seek professional help. I actually got the flu just after Thanksgiving this past year, so it was a doctors visit, some meds, and I was out of commission for 3 days. I literally just laid in bed, and only got up to use the bathroom. Sir made sure I was staying properly hydrated and fed, made sure I was comfortable, and took care of me extremely well. Most of my rules were gone for that time (I still wore a hairband on my wrist for my collar, and I still had to ask to use the bathroom (but wasn't limited to 4 times a day like I normally was at that time). If Sir gets sick, it's the same idea, but in reverse. Our contract also has a "tough love" clause in it, so that if I feel Sir isn't taking care of himself properly (something like he should really see a doctor, but he hasn't), I am allowed to invoke the "tough love" clause and I get to tell him to go see the doctor. Not ask as his submissive, but tell him that is what he has to do. It's never been needed to be honest (he's very good at taking care of himself, and me for that matter), but the tough love clause also works if I think I need to see a doctor and he hasn't brought me yet.
Do you ever experience "low points" or extended periods or time with very low sex drive? If so, how do you cope with that? I haven't as of yet. But I am 25 now. So from what I know about sexual libidos, it is something that I may experience in the future. I don't necessarily know how I will deal with that as of yet to be honest.

Also, just wanted to say congrats for lasting that long without an orgasm. It's very impressive! Why thank you! It has definitely been frustrating, but maybe it's also why I haven't experienced a low sex drive as of yet as well. Lol. Not being able to orgasm, and just being constantly horny.
Hi! My name is Jinxi and I am a full-time service slave who has been given permission to explore a little bit of online bdsm and kink forums.

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