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Old 02-21-2020, 07:06 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by ltakltak View Post
-Do you always manage with only 3 toilet moments in a day?
-Have you been forced to wet or shit yourself and (when) have you been allowed to clean up afterwards?
-can you explain in more detail how you sleeping mask looks like?
-how often have you used your safe word?
-Do you always manage with only 3 toilet moments in a day? Now, absolutely. Like a lot of the rules I currently have, this one evolved over time as well. When we first introduced this rule, there was no limit to bathroom breaks I was allowed in a day, just that I had to ask permission. Then it went to 6 times a day, then 5, etc. It's been at 3 times a day now for almost 4 months, but last weekend actually Sir mentioned that he hasn't had to punish me for bathroom related offenses in a while, and that he might have to change it to just 2 times a day. That hasn't happened yet, but I suspect it is coming sooner rather than later.
-Have you been forced to wet or shit yourself and (when) have you been allowed to clean up afterwards? I have definitely been forced to wet myself before. Several times. I won't say it's frequent, but on occasion Sir will grant me permission to use the bathroom (whether or not I'm allowed in the bathroom is irrelevant I suppose) and then proceed to put panties or pants on me before letting me go (or if I already have panties or pants on, just simply not taking them off). Thankfully I've never had to shit myself (it's not a kink of mine or Sir's thank god). As for clean up time, it has varied based on what the rest of day is looking like. If we are going out (or already out), Sir will usually clean me up almost immediately, but there have been times where I wet myself for my first bathroom break of the day, and we weren't going anywhere for the day, that Sir just left me in them until my final bathroom break of the day.
-can you explain in more detail how you sleeping mask looks like? My sleeping mask is something that Sir made for me. It's basically a white cloth that I suspect was a washcloth at some point that is cut so it covers my mouth, but not my nose, and contours to my jawline up to my ears. Then there is a leather strap wrapped in white cotton that comes off each side (by the corners of my mouth) and have a small silicone o-ring on the free ends that wrap around to the back. Then there are two more similar straps that are attached to the front of the gag above my mouth and get pulled over my head (kind of fitting in the crevice between my nose and cheeks, and then in between my eyes) and all 4 of the o-rings are locked together with a small padlock. Then the last thing to it, is on the inside of the cloth that covers my mouth, there is a 3/4" neoprene ball that fits into my mouth. Not super big (most ball gags Sir uses on me while I'm awake are in the 2" range), but enough to gag me, but also allow me to sleep comfortably and not have to worry about choking.
-how often have you used your safe word? I haven't used my "red" safeword as of yet. But I have used "yellow" a few times. Sir is extremely good at reading my body language, and has always (even before we lived together) been really good at bringing me to the point of thinking about safewording, but stopping before we actually got there.
Hi! My name is Jinxi and I am a full-time service slave who has been given permission to explore a little bit of online bdsm and kink forums.

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