Thread: Doctor Who
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Old 01-21-2011, 09:51 AM   #1100
Slenderman - Doctor
Truth or Dare Zealot
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Originally Posted by Captain Harkness View Post
REAL Sontarans, They should be the aliens sweeping aside inferior ones stopped by a mad man. Not give me a hand every time. Independence or the occasional assistance id be fine with hence why i get annoyed at Sontarans now.
As for the Silurians Though your right in the respect they do try to achieve peace quite often t never succeeds and war rages from it. Like the Sontaran 'Warriors' They should have different views that cant co-inside and the Doctor should resolve them not they are friends on and off like light switches.
What the hell?

So "true/real" Sontarans would do everything themselves?

Says who? They've always required a hand. Plus, they use tactics. They're happy to get as much help as they want because they're masters of war, soldiers. They'll conquer the Universe at any cost. Your point is very odd.

And I fail to understand your other points because it's just not coherently/well-written. Sorry.
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