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Old 01-17-2011, 02:40 PM   #29
Angel of Dare
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Originally Posted by BettyBoop View Post
Play noughts and crosses on each others bodies using felt tips. Each time one of you wins, the other loses a piece of clothing, if you draw, you both do. When one person is naked, you carrying on playing, but if they lose/ draw again, they have to do a dare.

Suggested dares to start off: (chosen by the winner, or each other if a draw)

- 10 star jumps
- Get tickled for a minute
- Stand naked at the window for a minute
- Kiss the other person's bum or nipple
- Stand outside naked for a minute
- Ring their boyfriend and talk dirty whilst on speakphone
- Ring their boyfriend and ask them if they would be okay with you having a lesbian experience
- Ring the other person's boyfriend and ask if they want a threesome
- Pole dance for any entire song of the other person's choice (if you have nothing that can be used as pole, belly dance or table dance)
- Give the other person a piggy back round the garden.

Keep playing until you can't fit any more grids on your bodies (including arms/ legs)- inventing your own dares if you run out

B - Top, jumper, skirt, socks, bra.
C - Jeans, socks, top 1, top 2, bra.

We got re-dressed to play this.

1st Game - Me (Charlotte lost first top) - (C - Jeans, socks, bra, top1)
2nd Game - Charlotte (I lost jumper) - (B - Top, skirt, socks bra)
3rd Game - Charlotte (I lost socks) - (B - Top, skirt, bra)
4th Game - Me (Charlotte lost socks) - (C - Jeans, Bra, Top)
5th Game - Charlotte (I lost top) - (B - Skirt and Bra)
6th Game - Me (Charlotte lost second top) - (C - Jeans an Bra)
7th Game - Draw (I lost my skirt)(Charlotte lost jeans) - (B - Bra) - (C - Bra)
8th Game - Draw (I lost my bra)(Charlotte lost bra) - (B - Nothing) - (C - Nothing)

I hope I described that okay, we haven't done any of the dares though. Do we both do them or..?

Boop Boop de Boop.
female, engurrland.
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