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Old 01-17-2011, 12:36 PM   #8
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Did I read somewhere that last time charlotte had to stand outside your brother's door in her underwear?

If so- this time- turn it into a game of chicken- both stand outside the door in your underwear. The first one to leave loses, and must then go back ten minutes later and stand there for thirty seconds without underwear on.

Other dares:
Play noughts and crosses on each others bodies using felt tips. Each time one of you wins, the other loses a piece of clothing, if you draw, you both do. When one person is naked, you carrying on playing, but if they lose/ draw again, they have to do a dare.
Suggested dares to start off: (chosen by the winner, or each other if a draw)
10 press ups
10 star jumps
Get tickled for a minute
Stand naked at the window for a minute
kiss the other person's bum or nipple
Stand outside naked for a minute
Lay down on the grass in the garden and let the other person throw a glass of water over them
Ring their boyfriend and talk dirty whilst on speakphone
Ring their boyfriend and ask them if they would be okay with you having a lesbian experience
Ring the other person's boyfriend and ask if they want a threesome
Go on chatroulette and ask out a 10 yr old (supposedly all users are, so shouldn't take long to find)
Pole dance for any entire song of the other person's choice (if you have nothing that can be used as pole, belly dance or table dance)
Crawl round the garden on hands and knees
Give the other person a piggy back round the garden. or is this is not physically possible, they can walk you round ala a wheelbarrow race

Keep playing until you can't fit any more grids on your bodies (including arms/ legs)- inventing your own dares if you run out
"All the world's a stage..."


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"The Man. The Myth. The Legend.
You're awesome."

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