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Old 01-09-2011, 12:55 PM   #50
Sister Sparrow
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Join Date: Dec 2010
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Blog Entries: 2

Male or Female:

1 How old when you first masturbated?
I really couldn't tell ya.. I have no idea! Haha, I know I was young though.
2 How did you find out how to masturbate?
Just exploring/trial and error, I suppose.
3 How many times have you masturbated in one day?
Uhh, I don't know exactly. Probably not too many since I never actually tried to do a lot. Maybe three or four?
4 Best place you masturbated?
Just in my room.
5 Riskiest place you masturbated?
Bathroom in the art building that doesn't lock.
6 Have you masturbated with the opposite sex, and how old?
Uhh, I never masturbated myself but my boyfriend has masturbated me. I was 17.
7 Have you masturbated with the same sex, and how old?
8 Best way of getting rid of the evidence?
Usually there is no evidence for me.
9 Have you ever been caught masturbating?
10 If so, by who?
11 Do you watch porn when you masturbate?
I have in the past, but usually I don't.
12 Do you use lube and/or toys?
I only use lube for penetration, which I don't do when I masturbate. Sometimes I use my vibrator on my clit. It is out of batteries now though
13 Where have you masturbated?
Bedroom, various bathrooms..
14 Have you masturbated to do with a dare?
15 Have you masturbated while on webcam?
16 Have you filmed yourself masturbating for someone?
>.< Yes. Well, they didn't see it, but they told me to film myself so I could watch it later.
17 Have you let someone else masturbate you?
Yup, my boyfriend.
18 Have you masturbated in a public place, if so where?
Do public bathrooms count?
19 How much do you masturbate per week?
Now, whenever Master lets me. Twice a week would be a good estimate.
20 Are you masturbating now?
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