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Old 11-05-2019, 09:49 PM   #15
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Round two is called roullette wheel each player will step up and get 3 spins of our wheel which holds the fallowing spaces. water, 6 eggs, pie, lose 1 item of clotghing,100 points, mystery bucket, lose points, pie sandwich, lose two items of clothing, 12 eggs, and 250 points.

What is this we have a late comer in Pink Ezeperalta. It doesn't seem fair that someone who showed up late fore the game should have missed all the fun from the first round. Each player picks up an pie and circles her. Then SluttyJenna pies her in the face, MSK26 pies her on the right of her face, then Notkevin hits her in the back of the head, and Chubbyshysissy gets the left side of her head before Wamgames plants one on top of her head. Then off comes her shoes and socks since she thought she is tied for last.

We will go in revser order of points so Sluutyjenna is up first. Her first spin is lose an item of clothing off comes her shorts leaving her in just the biknini as the crowd goes wild with wolf whistles. Her next spin is 12 eggs which are handed to Wamgames to crack over her. He breaks 4 over her head and 4 over her chest across hre breast before breaking two in the front and back each of her bikini bottoms. Her last spin 6 eggs which are again given to Wamgames this time all six go over her head.

Up next MSK26 his first spin lands on lose an item of clothing off comes his shirt. His secons spin lands on mystery bucket Chubbyshysissy is shown a set of covered buckets and directed to pick one he chooses the 5th bucket. MSK26 is made to kneel down and he pours it over him covering him in oatmeal. MSK26's final spin lands on -100 points unfortunitly for him he has no points so he loses his shorts to makeup for the points that he doesn't have.

Up next is Ezeperalta who has been able to scrap off a little of the cream before playing. Her first spin is lose two items of clothing so bye bye both the shirt and shorts hello Bikini. Her next spin is Oh no that lose 100 points but she doesn't have any points. pour thing we know what that means off comes her bikini top. Her last spin is uh oh that lose 100 again um there is only one thing to lose. She protest but Notkevin walks up behind her and yanks them off much to the crowds delight.

Notkevin is up next his first spin is 250 points. His second spin is -100 that is a popular space tonight but fortunitly for him he has points to spare. His last spin is lose an item of clothing off comes his shirt.

Up next is Chubbyshysissy. His first spin is pie. MSK26 is handed a pie which slams hard into his face spraying cream everywhere. His next spin is mystery bucket. He kneels down
MSk picks buck 2 and dumps cold custard on him. His last spin is lose an item of clothing so off comes his shoes and sock.

Last up is Wamgames who so far has survived without any mess can his luck hold out. The answer is no as his first spin lands on 12 eggs. Sluttyjenna takes great pleasure in breaking 3 over his head and then breaking 3 in the back of his shorts before crushing the last 6 into his crotch. His next spin 6 eggs shich she breaks on the back of his neck letting the cold eggs roll down the inside of his shirt. His last spin lands on lose an item of clothing so off comes his shoes and socks.

So after round two it's Wamgames in the lead with 750 points, Chubbyshysissy and Not Kevin in second with 400 points and of course the other 3 in last with ZERO points.
wam manly food based

dislikes piss

Limits poop, cum, animal food, illegal, eating or drinking, public, naked.

I currently don't own any toys.

talk about pictures and dress but decided on a case by case bases.

What is this signature..

Last edited by Novagunger; 11-06-2019 at 03:52 AM.
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