Thread: [R18+] [FICTION] Sexual Zombies
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Old 03-28-2009, 01:13 AM   #13
getDare Succubus
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Default Part 12 - She Has Escaped

[Hi... Just had some inspiration and two hours to kill so I thought I'd indulge my readers a little. Hope you enjoy.]

Official Report of the Hyacinth Complex Incident
C.O. General Blake Mortimer

When the inspection team finally made its way into the complex, several hours after the intervention unit was reported missing, they did not know what to find.

The first thing they identified were the slain bodies of the zombies; all the employees were accounted for, but it was obvious that the subject Jessica had vanished from the premises, though no one knew why. Her restraints were not broken, so it was assumed someone had freed her. They found the drained and mummified decaying body of doctor Roberge next to the bed; there were signs of sexual activity from his cadaver, which was not inconsistent with previous incidents involving zombies from that type.

The most astonishing surprise was the discovery of the intervention team, still alive (though some were injured in various ways), albeit in a state of shock. It took a while for the team to reconstitute the events, but from the physical evidence and testimony of the survivors, they managed to reconstruct the scene.

Connor Baker, scientific consultant, had been the first to enter the room. He had spotted the subject Jessica, but somehow her physical appearance and some sort of chemical compound that seeped through the sealed suits of the members of the team overwhelmed the scientist's mind. He froze in his tracks, and his body began displaying immediate signs of sexual arousal.

The communications officer Laura Carpenter and team leader Tom Ellis tried to raise their weapons and fire at the female figure holding a child, but whatever affected them overpowered their instinct for self-defense. They lowered their weapons.

It is known that the other two members of the team, Julia Bergen and Greenfield Jones were also taken over upon entering the room to investigate the silence of their colleagues.

The team members first started removing their suits, and then methodically started to remove their uniforms as well. It did not take long for everyone of them to get naked, at which time they proceeded to have intercourse between them.

It should be noted that, according, to their profiles, none of the candidates for the intervention were prone to sexual promiscuity, nor were any of them homosexual or bisexual. For the sake of completeness, we will include the details of their sexual encounter.

Baker first moved towards the subject Jessica; she spread her legs and he dove right into her sexual. From the samples gathered from his mouth, we can tell that the subject carried with her a variant of the zombie plague first identified in the New Mexico incident; it is still unclear how the mutation prevents the flesh from decaying but the samples have been sent to the Nevada laboratories. After performing oral sex on Jessica, Baker then proceeded to penetrate her as she lay on her back on the table, still holding on to the baby.

Meanwhile, Ellis started to make out with his second in command, Julia; she performed oral sex on him for a while, then they switched roles and he performed oral sex on her. From their statements, a part of them fought these urges but they were overwhelmed and could do nothing but act on it. (Side note: Julia told her therapist that she experienced multiple orgasms during the incident, more frequent than humanly possible. Blood tests revealed nothing in her organism so it is suspected it is a side effect of the toxins released in the air by the subject Jessica.)

Greenfield and Laura proceeded to have intercourse, with Laura getting on all fours while Greenfield mounted her from behind. Greenfield ejaculated into Laura; samples collected later showed he had indeed impregnated her, even if she was not ovulating at the time the mission started; it is suspected that somehow the toxins made her ovulate at the start of intercourse and sped up the reproductive process.

Once Baker had himself ejaculated into the subject Jessica, he collapsed for several minutes. We believe the subject Jessica is collecting biological samples inside her womb, but the exact ramifications are still unclear. Ellis was drawn to Jessica and proceeded to penetrate her in the same fashion; meanwhile, having lost her partner, Julia moved towards Greenfield and Laura and, placing her sex near Laura's head, proceeded to have her perform oral sex on her. Greenfield then penetrated Julia while Julia performed oral sex on Laura.

It is known then that Baker recovered his senses and proceeded to get behind Greenfield and performed anal penetration on him. (Sidenote: it is intriguing to say that Greenfield, despite the incident, had since developed a taste for that kind of sexual relationship, but he is not traumatized by it.) We know that Greenfield did not ejaculate inside Julia.

Ellis ejaculated inside Jessica and then collapsed. Jessica then laid the child on the table (it was apparently sleeping through the ordeal) and proceeded to perform manual stimulation on both Laura and Julia, while being rear-mounted by Greenfield, who finally ejaculated into her as well.

Jessica then had Julia and Laura perform oral sex on her, while she performed oral sex on the three men.

All five members of the intervention team eventually collapsed from exhaustion. It is believed that the excessive physical activity tired them. They were found unconscious and naked by the inspection team and rushed to the medical and scientific facility for treatment, decontamination and analysis. All five members now show an increased sexual drive, which cannot be medically controlled, though they show no biological signs of the contamination. They are currently being kept under observation.

As for the creature Jessica and the child she was carrying, the inspection team believes that she could have escaped because of the blackout caused by a power surge in the complex. She is considered highly dangerous and a top priority for the government. She may not carry the zombie plague in its initial form, but she surely represents a threat to the American way of life.

I only pray we find her in time. So far, the scientists are still trying to understand the mutation she has suffered. It could be that this new strain of the virus may be even more potent that the initial strain, as it may be carried airborne.

I pray to God we find her in time.
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