Thread: [FICTION] John's Slavery
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Old 01-23-2009, 08:22 AM   #25
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 199

FUCK I just posted one and for some reason, it didn't post. Oh well, here is a shortened version so the plot moves along. Sorry, I took out all the sexual parts, but I don't feel like retyping any. The real sex happens in the next part anyway.

Sorry that its rushed

The two stories of Jamie and John will be told separately for a while. As always, the focus is on John.


Jamie looked for her clothes, she couldn't find them anywhere, but walking around half naked had her turned on to no end.


John didn't have to look long. After ten minutes, he found his clothes hanging on a branch. When he got up to the branch, and took his pants off, he noticed something strange. Jamie's skirt was right under his clothes. What the fuck? It started to make sense. This was all some twisted game by Marie. She expected John to find his clothes, they were hidden pretty close to his starting point and very obvious to see. And under his clothes, she expected him to find Jamie's. That presented him with a choice. Option A, he could find Jamie, give her her clothes, and they can both win. Option B, he can leave the clothes there, and leave it to luck if Jamie finds them. Option C, he could steal the clothes.

This was a sick mind game to test his loyalty to his master and he knew it. He knew what he had to do. He took the miniskirt, and put it on under his pants. and he started toward his master's home.

When he got there, she was walking out the door. It was time to pick up Jamie.

Marie was delighted to see him "Oh, the better slave won!" She ran up to him, giggled and kissed him. Slipping her hand under his pants, she felt the miniskirt.

"Oh, and the better slave made the better choice too. You will be rewarded when we get back."

Jamie continued to look, although time ran out. Soon, she realized she wouldn't find her clothes. She could only hope John didn't find his either. She started to walk back to the rock to accept her punishment


When John and Marie got to the rock, Jamie was sitting there, half naked. Marie laughed.

"Jamie jamie jamie, you lost. John found his clothes no problem, yet you worthless piece of shit can't seem to find yours. Tonight you will be drugged so you don't sleep, and so you are horny as shit, and you will be kept in the closet. Bad slaves get punished. Get used to being wet, and with a chastity belt on."

Jamie could only think one word. Fuck.
Here is my story, John's Slavery
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