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Old 01-15-2009, 11:01 PM   #19
getDare Succubus
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Default DAREGIRL and FRIENDS #11 - Mental Conflict

Scene I:

"Get her! She's been possessed!"
"No. Get her! She's the one."

As Cloaker and Lady Luck enter the large bedroom, coming to the rescue of their friends, they find the naked figures of Brianna and Dana staring each other down.

"What's going on?"

Dana speaks.

"It's doctor Viceroy. He's taken hold of Shylocke!"
"No he hasn't! He's inside Daregirl!"

Their friends stare, unsure as to how to interpret this turn of events.

Scene 2:

From inside his cell, Techboy wipes his hand across his leg before finishing the task he set out to do. With a flicker of his hand, he activated the emergency system and smiles.

Scene 3:

As the alarm resonates in the base, Camouflage gets up.

"What is going on?"

He hurriedly leaves the room, leaving Baron Mentorum and Lady Jade alone. They stare at each other.

"If you don't mind, my lady, I think this is the time where I will take my leave."
"Agreed. Perhaps we have overstayed our welcome."

The two villains, deciding they have had enough of being manipulated, head out of the emegency zone.

Camouflage, in the meantime, races to the security room.

"Where is the alarm coming from?"

The security officer is baffled.

"Everywhere. Every alarm has been triggered."
"That's impossible. They can't be everywhere at once."
"They are."
"It doesn't make sense... unless..."

Camouflage hurries out of the security office.

Scene IV:

As Dana and Brianna keep staring each other down, Lady Luck strolls into the room. Cloaker looks at her, without understanding what she's doing.

"So... either one of you is controlled by the villainous doctor?"
"It's her, I tell you."
"It's not me! It's her!"
"Well, regardless..."

Lady Luck nears both of them and pushes them back. They both trip and fall to the floor, unable to stand. As they try to get up, Lady Luck delivers a knockout blow to each one of them. She turns to Cloaker.

"It's faster that way. Come on. Let's get them out of here..."

Cloaker picks up Brianna while Lady Luck picks up Dana.

Scene V:

In the darkness of Dana Grey's mind, screams are heard. Dana Grey is strapped into the air, held aloft by imperceptible ropes of mental energy, her naked and bloodied body covered with scars and lacerations. Facing her, a male form, white as a ghost, naked as well. It wields a harsh leather whip.

The whip cracks across Dana's body, leaving another scar and drawing blood.

"Submit! Yield!"

Dana laughs through the pain.

"Poor doctor... you had no idea how powerful my system was did you? You thought your will alone could overthrow mine. But I'm much more than a pretty face."

The whip lashes out again.

"You will submit."

The ghost image doctor races to Dana and starts pounding its dick hard into her pussy. She moans with every thrust, but the smirk on her face remains.

"I will take you by force."
"You cannot take what is given freely, doctor."

He pulls out, not understanding.

"By all standards, you should be cowering in fear... I will break you."
"I cannot be broken, doctor, because I am already broken. My libido is unstoppable. It was unleashed when I turned sixteen, when my powers triggered. Nothing fazes me. Nothing gets to me"
"That's impossible..."

Dana laughs again.

"You've tried taking me against my will. You've tried torture. You've tried anal. You've tried everything, doctor. I am stronger than you. Unbreakable. I will fight you forever. You may have bound me here, but I will free myself and we will do battle again and again."

As the doctor returns to his whip lashing, the spirit of Dana keeps reveling in the situation.

All of a sudden, the tables are reversed. It is the ghostly pale male figure which is bound, and Dana who is free.

"The roles will switch, and we will be locked in this battle until eternity."

She glides down on his dick and starts fucking him.

"No!... This can't be true..."
"It is... I'll fuck with you until the end of time, doctor..."

The darkness gives way to light...

Scene VI:

The door to Techboy's cell opens. Camouflage is standing in front of it.

"Well, fancy meeting you here Camouflage... I figured something was up."
"I will get satisfaction off of you yet..."

Techboy retreats to the corner as Camouflage removes his robe, revealing a hard shaft that he intends to use on a defenseless Techboy. Suddenly, Techboy is tossed aside and into the room. He collapses; the figure of Cloaker suddenly appears over him; her heel is on his throat.

Dana Grey seems to have regained consciousness, as well as control of her body. Lady Luck now carries an unconscious Brianna.

"He's mine!"

DareGirl moves towards Camouflage as Cloaker steps back.

"No... but he's in here. Camouflage, we settle this, now. Cloaker, take Techboy; all of you, get out of here. Find StrongArm: he should be done fornicating."

DareGirl stares down Camouflage. Both are still naked.

"We settle this now..."

To be concluded...
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