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Old 10-13-2019, 04:44 AM   #1
Barer of Feet
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Phoenix
Posts: 527
Scissors Risky Semi-Public with Pee, Forced Masturbation, & Clothing Destruction

For this dare, you will need:
  • An entire outfit that you don't mind losing (including shoes & outerwear if worn).
  • A secluded location of your choice, with some stipulations*.
  • A full bladder.
  • A timer or cell phone with a timer app.
  • A pocket knife or small pair of scissors.
  • A six-sided die.

Start out naked, with the outfit you wish to wear in a pile on your bed or other piece of furniture of your choice. For each item or pair of items (shoes, socks, gloves, etc count together for this), roll a d6. If you roll a 1, destroy it on the spot and throw it away. If you roll a 2, put it away; you won't be needing it today. You may not replace an item eliminated by a 1 or 2 with anything else; you just don't get to wear that item. If you roll a 3, 4, 5, or 6, congratulations! Put that item on! Obviously the less you decide to attempt to wear, the less of your stuff is at risk, so choose wisely!

Get dressed in whatever remains in your pile, and go to a secluded outdoor location of your choice. *This area must be at least 10 minutes' walk/hike from your home or where you park your car. It must also be within 200 paces of a road, 100 paces of a walking path, or 50 paces of a hiking trail.

You'll be doing this dare in broad daylight. Please plan so that by the time you arrive, you have a full bladder.

Once you've arrived (you may walk or drive, whatever you like), set your timer for 60 minutes.

Take off all of your clothes. Everything. Shoes and socks, top and bottom, outerwear and underwear. You can keep jewelry and glasses, but everything else you weren't wearing when you came out of your mama goes in a pile on the ground.

You must be standing (barefoot and naked, now) on a natural surface for the remainder of the dare. Grass, dirt, rock, sand, pine needle carpet, atop a fallen log... anything is fine as long as it wasn't made by a human.

Once you're naked, start masturbating, and start the timer. You must masturbate continually until the timer reaches zero. Even if you've already cum, you must keep going in earnest, pushing toward a second (or even third or fourth) orgasm.

Does this seem like too much time!? Well, you can earn earn some time off by doing the following: (Note, you do not have to do any of these at all... but you'll be masturbating for a long, long time.)
  • -5 minutes - Hold your hands cupped over your pussy or penis and stand straight with your feet together at balls and heels, then pee, completely emptying your bladder. Adjust your hands on the fly if necessary so that the urine runs down your legs and feet to the ground.
  • -10 minutes - As above, but stand on your entire pile of clothing as you pee. You cannot deduct time for both (either 5 or 10 for watersports, not 15).
  • -3 minutes (repeatable) - Risk your clothing. Choose an item of clothing from your pile. Flip your coin. If it's heads, put it back in your pile. If it's tails, lose it or destroy it. Destroyed means utterly useless as covering/clothing ever again. Lost means utterly irretrievable, i.e. off a cliff, into a river or the ocean, up a tree you know you can't climb. You may repeat this as many times as you wish (including for items already risked previously but put back in your pile) until your time is zero, or you've destroyed everything you wore here.
  • -3 minutes - Commit to carrying your shoes and socks, if you have any left, back home with you, going barefoot the whole way. If you chicken out on this after you deduct the time, contact me for a punishment. If you went barefoot in the first place, or if your footwear has already been destroyed, congratulations! You get this one for free!

If at any point you stop masturbating, whether to duck and hide from a sound, or just to take a break, that's fine, but you must pause the timer when you do, and before you restart it, add 1 minute, and come back to your spot (peed or dry).

If at any point before time is up, you put any clothing back on for any reason, that's okay, too! But before you restart the timer, add 3 minutes, and then risk each article of clothing you put on just like above, only you don't get the time reduction for this one!

Once the time is up, you're free to get dressed and go home! If I were you, I'd use my socks to dry my legs off before putting on my pants, then leave 'em there, but that's up to you. I'd also highly suggest going barefoot, at least for a little while, until your feet are cleanish and dry. Puddles and grass work wonders for this, and sand is even better, leaving feet sparkly clean and very soft!

And, of course, please write a nice sexy report. Include the emotions you experienced, the thoughts and fears that went through your head, and especially whether you enjoyed the watersports (if you did it), and the hidden-public aspect. Also, please describe any clothing that got lost or destroyed and how it happened, piece by piece, and especially, if anything destroyed had sentimental value for you or memories attached, please share those as well!
Kik: Barefoot_Alien
PM me or Kik me for my Discord ID for longer conversations.

I most enjoy giving dares involving exhibitionism, nudity, orgasms, and bare feet.

I like to give dares/commands to people who are eager and grateful to obey, not ones who have to be blackmailed or brow-beaten into doing things.

I do not support chastity or long-term denial. My philosophy as a dom is almost diametrically opposed.

I adore, encourage, and truthfully answer, virtually all questions.

Last edited by BarefootAlien; 10-13-2019 at 10:18 AM.
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