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Old 09-04-2019, 07:38 PM   #114
That_Guy_again's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 56

1. Which set of questions?

5- Second Set

2. How many questions do you have to answer?

4 - All but one

3. How detailed your answers have to be!
1 - Not detailed.

Set Two
This counts as one question:
1. Which word do you like better:
  • Pussy or cunt? The former is less vulgar, yet still has sexual meaning.
  • Dick or cock? The former seems to me to be used more as an insult than it's original meaning, although cock is very close. It was a toss up between these two.
  • Breasts or Tits? Tits is just too boring a word.

2. What is the strangest object you've used to masturbate?
- A pillow, but it didn't work out very well. I just got a floppy.

3. What was the strangest way you've masturbated?
.-.While upside down aiming at my face.

4. Longest time gone without masturbation?
- Around 1 month.

5. Favorite fantasy?
- To be tied up and used by a certain someone.

6. Can you remember your first fantasy? If so, what was it?
- No I can't remember it but I tend to get variations on the above. It probably involves some sort of bondage.

8. Have you ever played with your urethra?
- Nope, nope, nope, nope.

9. Have you ever played with your ass?
- Naturally.
Likes, Dislikes, and Limits

Note, I have been locked out of my old kik account for a while. If anyone on GD had me on kik, please send me a message and I will send you my new kik.
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