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Old 08-16-2019, 04:27 PM   #38
Gaming_Darester's Avatar
Join Date: May 2015
Location: Texas
Posts: 91

Thanks for starting this up again!

1. How long you want the rules to last: 2 weeks
2. Which sex you are: Male
3. Do you want excessive orgasms or limited orgasms so loads or very few: Limited
4. How harsh you want it on a scale of 1 pretty flexible up to 5 very harsh: 4
5. Do you want full orgasms or a mix of full and spoiled: Mixed
6. Whether you want a pass card, this could excuse you an orgasm or allow you to have one depending on what you select in option 3 but it will require a task completing: Yes Please
7. Will you do pictures, a report or both: Both
Likes: Cbt, Watersports, Simi-public, shaving, spanking and nipple play

Dislikes: Scat play, social suside, feet, sounding.

I am open to new things.

Kik: skunkyboy

35 Orgasms left this year
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