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Old 08-12-2019, 10:14 PM   #172
Sassy0ne's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 48

Remember you MUST pick one or the other.

1. Would you rather wear your last Halloween costume or last nights sleepwear for a whole year?(tell us what is is)

So I didn’t wear a Halloween costume last year so does that mean normal clothes? If not I guess it’s a tank top and panties for a year

2. Would you rather be naked in stocks/pillory in a public place for an hour then get your clothes back or wake up at a 2 hours walk from your house naked with just your house key?

Wake up 2 hours away ... at least I can dodge being seen. If I am in stocks I am for sure being seen.

3. Would you be more embarrassed if your mom or dad caught you masturbating?


4. Would you rather be hypnotized to act like a dog or a baby?


5. Would you rather be the only one naked at a party fully of guys or girls?

Girls .. I think

6. Would you rather go to the doctor to remove a vibrating egg from your ass or wait a week until it falls out?(its on a low vibrate the whole time)

I am waiting ... I don’t want the bill or the embarrassment

7. Would you rather do a lap dance or a pole dance for your celebrity crush?

Lap dance

8. Would you rather only be able to have sex after eating an onion or a can of beans? (onion = bad breath and beans = farting a lot)
Both guys and girls can answer the next 2 just for fun

Beans ... they really don’t give me gas

9. Would you rather have a 3 inch penis or an 15 inch penis when erect?

I guess 15 inches. At least it will be fun to play with

10. Would you rather have an A cup or an F cup bra size?

F ... mine are actually bigger and not to bad

11. Would you rather have a unicorn horn or a fluffy bunny rabbit tail?

Fluffy bunny tail

12. Would you rather be strip searched at an airport or the entrance of a nightclub on the spot?

Night club ... probably a better vibe

13. Would you rather wear a butt plug or a ball gag for 5 hours?

Butt plug .. easier to go about daily life although very uncomfortable

14. Would you rather a one night stand find out you wear the opposite genders undies or that you grow a jungle down there when its time to strip?

Undies .. finding out I wore boxers wouldn’t be as bad as having a jungle

15. Would you rather give oral to the next stranger you see or the last person you texted?(who was it)

I guess a stranger. I am not giving oral to my sister

16. Would you rather your results of this quiz to be posted on your Facebook or on your kitchen fridge for a month?

Maybe the fridge .. so much crap on there it may go unnoticed. It will for sure get seen on Facebook.
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