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Old 07-06-2019, 11:44 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by MasterZp View Post
Here are a few ideas for things to stuff into your pussy before you tape it shut. How long are you planning to keep it that way, and what do you plan to do while it is shut?

1) Get some golf balls, clean them with soap and water and then slide 2 or 3 inside. I think you will enjoy the feeling.

2) Push as many ice cubes in as you can handle, and then tape things shut. The water will likely make the tape loosen faster so if you plan to about out and about for awhile, this is not the best idea.

3) Not sure you have one of these, but if you do, slide a bullet vibe inside and then tape it shut, and turn it on low. Leave it that way until the batteries run out.

4) If you up for some pain, take toothpaste and get a good bit and push some just inside your pussy lips and rub around a good bit, and then wipe off the outside and tape things up.
Oh wow I値l definitely try the golf balls and looks like I値l need to buy a bullet vibe! The ice sounds fun and I might try that tomorrow. Iv never had toothpaste on anything but my teeth so I値l have to see how that feels. Thank you for the suggestions!
Hiya I知 sorta new here but um as for rules I guess
Absolutely no pics cuz I don稚 know you and um others I値l figure out as I go??

Feel free to say hi!!

Oh and my skype is little_poppet_2
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