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Old 07-06-2019, 01:16 AM   #1
The toe sucking anal slut
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Information Seeking kinky web development help

Many of you know and have answered my Ultimate Likes and Limits questionnaire. It's still popular and gets answered a lot. Problem is I need to process the results and while I automated this process a lot, it's still a bit cumbersome. Also sending people an Excel report is a bit old-fashioned.

Therefor I really want to re-create this questionnaire on my own website, pretty much like the bdsm test is laid out. Presenting the questions in the same way as that, using the likert-scale, but then presenting the individual results.

The results are the most tricky part. I want them laid out in a table, with limits in the left-most column and loves in the right-most. I then want all the items color coded based on your experience with them, e.g. blue what you have already done.

Making a custom webpage for this also gives me a lot more flexibility than Google forms does. I have a fair bit of experience in programming, but not so much with web programming. Therefor I am looking for someone to help me out. Someone to team up with to create this, or just someone to point me into the right direction: e.g. what framework I could use. I don't want to re-invent the wheel, so if there's anything already there I could build off of, that would be great.

Thank you in advance for any help you can give!

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