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Old 06-26-2019, 12:17 AM   #108
Distinguished Member
Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 562

Set One
1. When did you first realize touching your genitals felt good? at 12
2. How old were you when you first masturbated? 12
3. When did you have your first orgasm? at 12
4. Do you orgasm a lot? yes
5. Who has been your weirdest crush? a very hairy girl
6. Have you ever been caught doing anything sexual ? yes (masturbation, sex and voyeurism)
7. How old were you when you lost your virginity? 21
8. Have you ever masturbated in front of someone? yes
9. Have you ever watch anyone masturbate? yes
10. Have you ever seen someone have sex? yes
11. How many sexual partners have you had? 1

Set Two
This counts as one question:
1. Which word do you like better:
Pussy or cunt? pussy
Dick or cock? dick
Breasts or Tits? tits
Why? more cute
2. What is the strangest object you've used to masturbate? teddy bear
3. What was the strangest way you've masturbated? without hands in toilet seat
4. Longest time gone without masturbation? about 2 months
5. Favorite fantasy? public
6. Can you remember your first fantasy? If so, what was it? no
7. Have you or someone you've had sex with had a pregnancy scare? yes
8. Have you ever played with your urethra? yes
9. Have you ever played with your ass? yes
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