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Old 04-30-2019, 01:41 PM   #50
Getdare’s Ginger Goddess
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Default For Spankeegirl

House: 4
Slytherin! You’re sneaky, so add 1 to each roll before moving forward, but if you roll a 6, move backwards 3 spaces.

Roll #1: 3
Space 4: Accio! You accidentally cause Implement #1 to fly at your ass cheeks 60 times each.

Roll #2:5
Space 10: Dobby shows up to “help” you out! Move forward 10 spaces, but spank your ass 30 times with Implement #2 first. THEN: Hogsmeade- drink 2 glasses of butterbeer (or the liquid of your choice)

Space 26:Duro! Edge 3 times.

Roll #4:6
Space 23:Errol makes a crash landing! Punish your balls/smack your pussy 10 times HARD.

Roll #5:5
Space 29:Prior Incantatem! Repeat the action you completed on the last space.Errol makes a crash landing! Punish your balls/smack your pussy 10 times HARD.

Coin Flip: Heads

Roll #6: 1
Space 31: AVADA KEDAVRA- You die. Start over from space #1.

Roll #7: 2
Space 3:Salvia Hexia! Accept this ONE FREE PASS to skip the instructions on any square you land on ONE TIME ONLY.

Roll #8:1
Space 5:Fidelius Charm! Hide 3 “secret” ice cubes in your ass. Reroll immediately.

Roll #9: 5
Space 11: Waddiwasi! Apply clothespins to nipples and rip off without opening 5 times.

Roll #10: 4
Space 16:Engorgio! Edge three times before rolling again.

Roll #11:6
Space 13: Expecto Patronum! You have a choice! You can cum now and ruin the orgasm, or save your orgasm for the end of the game. If you decide to wait until the end, you must edge twice and drink one glass of water now.

Roll #12:5
Space 19:DETENTION WITH UMBRIDGE- Write the line “I must not__________________”, filling in the blank with the reason you are being punished 60 times by hand with perfect handwriting. For each error in handwriting, spelling, etc., place a clothespin on your clit/cockhead for one minute.

Space 23:Incendio! Apply hot sauce (or icyhot/toothpaste/similar) to nipples)

Roll #14:1
Space 25:Dementors! Roll a die. Insert that many ice cubes in your pussy/ass.

Roll #15:6
Space 22:Locomotor Mortis! Tie ankles together for the rest of the game.

Roll #16: 1
Space 24: Errol makes a crash landing! Punish your balls/smack your pussy 10 times HARD.

Roll #17: 5
Space 30:You manage to acquire the Sorcerer's Stone, but not without a few bumps and bruises. Hit each nipple 20 times with Implement #2, and each ass cheek 30 times with Implement #1

Roll #18:3
Space 34:Silencio! Use your panties/underwear as a gag for the rest of the dare.

Roll #19: 6
Space 31:AVADA KEDAVRA- You die. Start over from space #1.

Roll #20: 1
Space 2: Langlock! Put a clothespin on your tongue for the next 2 rolls.

Roll #21:2
Space 5: Fidelius Charm! Hide 3 “secret” ice cubes in your ass. Reroll immediately.

Roll #22:6
Space 2:Repeat, so 3 edges and 20 swift swats to each ass cheek with Implement #3 .

Space 5: Fidelius Charm! Hide 3 “secret” ice cubes in your ass. Reroll immediately.

Roll #24:4
Space 10:Dobby shows up to “help” you out! Move forward 10 spaces, but spank your ass 30 times with Implement #2 first.
THEN Hogsmeade- drink 2 glasses of butterbeer (or the liquid of your choice)

Roll #25:3
Space 24:Errol makes a crash landing! Punish your balls/smack your pussy 10 times HARD.

Roll #26: 4
Space 29: Prior Incantatem! Repeat the action you completed on the last space. Errol makes a crash landing! Punish your balls/smack your pussy 10 times HARD.

Roll #27: 5
Space 35:You have been petrified by the Basilisk! Melt an ice cube against your clit/cockhead.

Roll #28:2
Space 38:You’ve been sent to Azkaban. Click the link below and post in that thread before continuing.

Roll #29: 1
Space 40:You have been turned into a werewolf! As an animal, you may not use any furniture for the rest of the game.

Roll #30: 5
Space 46: Imperio! Ask 3 Gd users to send you a dare to be completed after this game is finished. You cannot “win” until they are completed.

Roll #31:4 TAKE YOUR OWLS: At this point, you will have to roll for yourself depending on how many spaces you move backwards. IF you get 100%, you will land on space 51 with the current rolls.

Don't forget, you add 1 to all rolls except 6s, which move you back 3 spaces.

Good luck!

Roll #32:3
Roll #34:6
Roll #35:6
Roll #36: 1
Roll #37: 6
Roll #38:5
Roll #39: 2
Roll #40:
Roll #1:
Roll #2:
Roll #4:
Roll #5:
Roll #6:
Roll #7:
Roll #8:
Roll #9:
Roll #10:
Female/In a switch marriage with a fantastic man whom I love, Stress.
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