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Old 03-29-2019, 09:52 AM   #7
Baby Member
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 1

This is quite an old thread, but I loved it so much that I must post what it felt like! Firstly, thank you, Big_White! I loved this and will be incorporating this into my daily routine. <3
So... Instead of using the Mississipi counting system, I counted from zero to sixty during all the tasks. I also added some hair clips to my nipples to make everything more intense. I'm usually pretty quiet, but I moaned like a little bitch during the whole dare! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to complete it because I have a very small clit and I was so wet the clothespins couldn't stick anymore. I deserve to be punished, don't I?

These are my scores:
Level 1) 1... It didn't hurt very much. I squeezed my legs and the wood from the clothespins made me slightly uncomfortable, but it was not bad. ^^
Level 2) 4... My inner lips are pretty small and get slippery fairly easy, so the clothespins ended up getting attached near their end. It stung quite a bit but was very pleasant still. ^^
Level 3) 5... Again, it was very hard to "catch" my inner labia. I hade to spread my legs very wide and put the clothespin in a crooked position. Since I didn't want it to slip anymore, I used my hands to held it in its place and squeezed it hard. It hurt quite a lot and felt delicious.
Level 4) 7... I loved this one! I liked it so much that I ended up putting another clothespin near my clithood area (3 in total). It was so good that I decided to get up and get some water with them on me. I counted until 100 and lost count after.
Level 5) 5... I'll be trying it again, as I don't think I did it correctly the first time. I expected it to hurt a lot more, but it didn't. I couldn't help but touch myself a little bit after the last task (I'm such a slut... ^^), so the whole clit area was moist... I'll be doing it again soon as one of the first tasks.
Level 6) 8... I didn't understand this very well. As you may have already noticed, English is not my first language, and I couldn't picture what to do during this one. I ended up putting a clothespin in each side of my inner lips and pulling them hard to the sides. It hurt... after 45 seconds I felt like I couldn't do it anymore... but I managed to keep pulling them strong for one entire minute.
Level 7) 9... I really felt like screaming during this one. I used my hand to squeeze the clothespin even harder, and sometimes let it go... the difference in the pressure was mind blowing... If I didn't control myself, I could've woken up the whole neighborhood. Taking of the clothespin was even harder... but I loved it! <3
Level 8) - ... My clit is so small I can't really expose it unless I'm using my two hands. I was doing the dare all by myself so it wasn't possible to complete this task. If I get some help I'll try to do it again, but I don't think the kind of clothespins I have (pretty big) will stick to my little clit. lol
Level 9) - ... Same reason as the 8th task.
Level 10) -... Same reason as the two last tasks above.
EXTRA) 1000... Since I wasn't able to do it with my clit, I did it to my nipples. I felt like they were going to rip. The hairclips had really sharp edges and I was afraid my poor nipples were going to bleed. To "soothe" the pain, I applied mint toothpaste and licked it off them. I'm sure I'll be doing this one again, but it will take some time for me to recover. lol

I loved levels: All of them!
I hated levels: the ones I couldn't do properly. T_T
I am extremely wet.
Thank you for this awesome dare! <3
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