Thread: Just us three
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Old 11-24-2010, 10:21 AM   #4
Memories for Life
getDare Devil
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Originally Posted by NIKOLAS3220 View Post
Chapter 1: That Angel…

“…So, I hope you guys have a great summer, and good luck with them collages next year!”

Miss Christine said. Those were hopefully the last words I would ever hear coming from the mouth of a teacher for just less than three months. ....
Let's hope Miss Christine wasn't the narrator's English teacher because you didn't a single thing in her class. It would appear Miss Christine might to re-qualify for her teaching certificate because of her terrible spelling and grammar!

Overall the story is very interesting other a very significant paragraph structure problem. When you have a character speaking in quotes, you should include which character spoke it on the same sentence. Take the above sentence (I'll correct spelling and grammar):

"I hope you guys have a great summer and good luck with college next year!”, Miss Christine said.

This "style" confused me since you prefaced this story with acknowledgement of a previous story you've written. I would think if it was posted on this site, someone would have given you these pointers.

Hopefully, you're using a word processor with spelling and grammar checking configured. Additionally, it might be a good idea for you to send each of your chapters, via pm, to someone else to "proof" it before you post it.

I look forward to reading your chapters!
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