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Old 11-30-2007, 01:27 PM   #11
getDare Sweetheart
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Originally Posted by userben View Post
response to 1. he been here since oct that is new still
response to 2. although you didn’t insulted the slave you did his master and I would bet he is a member of the forums so there for you did insult a member
response to 3. you may think that but keep it to your self. if you don’t like what people are posting in that section stay out of it
response to 4. "this is typical behavior of so called "masters" that annoys me to no end." then ignore the post and master. "Yet there is no rule against making your point in a straight forward and somewhat harsh way. I have not insulted him straight forward without any reason." not but you insult his master which is probably a member.
OK, lets scan the post and you'll get what I'm talking about mostly in #3.

The master has ordered the slave to create a thread in the forum asking for punishment for everyday use. This is not a punishment, this is not done in order to humialte the slave, this is not done to get a harsh punishment for the slave's disobediance. For all we know, the slave might be a really good and obediant one...
The master has specifically asked him to just "fish for punishments" so that he won't have to think of them himself when he will need to punish his slave.
He is clearly saying "give me punishment to use on my slave when he disobey" (although it is written in 3rd person in the original post)

This is the behavior of a lazy master that doesn't want to be bothered with thinking things for himself. Simple as that.

You should also take into consideration the fact that he didn't even ask for a certain type of punishment. It that was the case, I would have been some-what understanding.

Now, about my harsh attitude in my first reply.
I do not think I was overly rude. In fact, I actually tuned down a lot so that I won't exagrrate and violate the rules.
Let's go over my my first post, shall we?

"Tell your master that if he actually think he is a master, he should be creative eangh to think of his own punishments."
There is not a single insult here, first and foremst.
I am being harsh. I am being disrespectful. I am being straight-forward.
I have no respect for masters that ask other people to do all the work for them.
I am a straight-forward guy, I cut right to the point in these things.
Even if the master doesn't want to create his own punishments, there is a whole section filled with punishments and ideas, and another filled with dares. Getting some from them is very simple.
When I read this sentence over and over, I always end up thinking what he is saying is just an un-straightforward way of saying: "even though you already wrote all or most of your suggestions in other forums (Punishment and ideas & Dare) post them again here because I don't want to look for them myself."

Ofcourse I will be pissed off. Ofcourse I will be harsh. This behavior should not be encouraged.

Seriously. All of you lazy so called "masters", stop asking other people to do your work for you.
This is actully directed towards both this master, and other masters that asked their slaves to post similar posts (although none was as bad as this one.)
I mean it - if you can't do your work for yourself (ie: thinking of punishments) - don't expect us to do it for you. You can ask for guideness, you can ask for a place where you'll be able to find some good ideas, you can even ask for a certain punishment that would fit a certain disobediance. Asking for general punishments, though, is simply being lazy. Look up lazy in the dictionary if you are not sure.

Yes, this sentence is more insulting, but it is only insulting with it's honesty. I am not swearing. I am just being disrespectful and sarcastic.
And if someone is insulted by this, than he is clearly one of those, and I qoute myself "lazy so called masters."

I could probably be a little more patient or respectful, I could have explained that he should search the punishments and ideas sub-forum, I know that.
But I say again, the slave is not the one that I'm even writing my posts to, it is all directed at the master, and since the master wasn't kind eangh to grace us with his presence, I can't really suggest that.

Also, I'd have to agree with sum1(2):
Isn't it the duty of every memeber of a community to help to improve said community?
It is, and this is exactly what I was doing with my original post (although I was, indeed, harsh.)
Do notice that I could have ignored this and not carry on talking about this matter, but I think that this is actually helping the community, or atleast either you, me, the original poster or maybe just a single member that will happen to actually read all the messages in this thread and learn something new from this.
Some of them want to use you...

"You know, these clothes do not fancy you at all. It should be a dress or nothing... I happen to have no dress in my cabin." (Captain Jack Sparrow)

...Some of the want to get used by you
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