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Old 01-06-2019, 09:36 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Fieldofbunnys View Post
Oh, you poor thing, not touching is very difficult, how do you put up with it?
I haven't been very good with it to be honest :P Dont tell him! It's something I do better when people tell me to do it, but I h ave no self control to do it myself

What's your favourite porn to watch?
Bondage/forced orgasm porn

If you had a clone of yourself who had to do everything you commanded, how would you treat them, what would you make them do, and what would you make them wear?
I think I would have that person do everything I don't want to do. They'd be exactly like me and I'd ask them to do everything I'm unsure of. It would be my way of being lazy, as well as experimenting on other people :P I don't think I'd make it any different from me.

If money weren't a problem and you could get away with anything, what would you do first?
I would travel the world with my gf, and when I say the world, I mean EVERYWHERE.

Would you rather be blind or deaf?
I'd rather be deaf, I think being blind would both be a harder adjustment, not being able to move around by myself would scare me to death.

Would you rather never be able to cum, or never be able to get hard?
Honestly, if I was never able to cum, but can always edge, that would be probably one of my favourite things ever. Not being able to get over the edge would give me that amazing feeling FOREVER. I don't think I'd be able to get my hand off myself hehe

What is your least favourite PM dare?
PLUG, for me to enjoy anal stuff, I usually have to be in the mood

Would you rather have a constant craving for the taste of cum or let everyone else have a constant craving for your cum?
Everyone else, that's a lot of blowjobs I'd be getting. And I hate the taste of my own cum.

What weird flavours would you secretly want to see be made into a flavour of chip?
Clam chowder. I love clam chowder :P

What sorts of tortures await you in your own personal hell?
Lots of denial, more experimenting with tacks I bought, rope bondage, maybe one day a flog or something similar.

What was the best orgasm you've ever had?
I have 2 in mind... maybe a few more but these 2 are the best.
The first was the first time I was submissive to a domme. She made me edge and edge (mind you, I had just learned about this lifestyle so I didn't have much experience). We continued for probably a week, which I think is pretty long right now. I did probably upwards to 100 edges a day as I was free all day during summer break. After being promised to cum, I was allowed 2 ruined orgasms... then finally an orgasm. And I never felt such a thing.

The second was when I found this dare. I did it one night and holy moly I never felt something so teasing yet felt so good at the same time. I go back to this dare from time to time because it feels soooo good.

What sorts of pleasures await you in your own personal heaven?
I am looking forward to the orgasm in a few days. And I want to get more toys but haven't found one yet.

If you could change one thing about existence, what would you change?
Technology would be far more advanced. I'd love to see technology when it has advanced in thousands of years.

What are your fears?
I had a near-death experience, and one of my biggest fears is dying without being satisfied with my life.

Whoops, that's 14 questions, oh well xD
I wonder if you even read all my answers, I sure hope you do!

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My ask me anything!

Kik: eradteg
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