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Old 01-04-2019, 08:16 AM   #2
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 75

Wow, that is a cool idea!

I think you should make Chance and Community Chest totally different, make it more entertaining.

Chance: should be random but fun. Keep "Go directly to jail" obviously, but it would have things like "Use your favorite toy on your partner" or "flip a coin and guess the result. If you're right tickle your partner, if you're wrong your partner tickles you." Use your imagination!

Community Chest: This would have more dramatic things inside, like "Spank your partner twice for ever house and three times for every hotel they have on the board" or "Tax assessment: your partner gets to take one humiliating picture of you".

You could also replace the "Luxury Tax" square with "lose one piece of clothing. If naked, do X".
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