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Old 12-09-2018, 07:18 PM   #42
getDare Prodigy
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And so it was on Friday evening at the Games Club. Peter introduced himself and Liz to Alex and they played various vanilla board games with the others there. Peter especially liked one he'd not seen before, called Dominion. He and Liz also introduced themselves over the evening to the others. Liz wondered why Ann and Jane were wearing long dresses: ususual for Uni casual wear. She was soon to find out. When the vanilla session was over Alex called time to adjourn to the flat.

Which they did: Peter and Liz and the five that had played with Richard the week before.

"OK," said Alex, producing another two bottles of Rioja for the side table and opening the first one: "Welcome to this humble abode. But before we start, I hear there was a bit of a query about the seating order last week with not enough variety as to who sat between whom and to make the challenges. Fair point, and I've got a solution with some culture. Piece of classical music: 'The Dance of the Seven Veils', from Salome by Strauss. Fits the occasion I hope you agree. First performed in 1907 in Leipzig or Dresden, I believe. Takes about 5 mins I think. Anyway, solution is: every time it comes to an end and the game in session is decided the seating order changes. I've worked out a rota order by numbers, so it all evens out equally over time. I've done it mathematically. Take a look."

They did. No comment from any of them.

"So," said Alex: "let the games commence."

First to throw, as it happened, was Peter. "Three nines,"he said, passing the dice to Sam who accepted and found only an Ace high. He groaned: threw two dice, not improving, but called four nines to Ann who challenged, of course.

First blood of the evening, as it were. Ann next threw: she actually DID have three nines but beinb next to Jane just called Ace high, who accepted, improved to four nines setting up Tom for the sucker punch which he called with the obvious result.

And so it went on. When the music first stopped it was still pretty much even Stephen all round and still all to play for.
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