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Old 11-15-2018, 12:02 AM   #6
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Colorado
Posts: 56

So I was at work when I saw this dare so I decided to make it semi public by doing it in the down stairs rest room... I work nights. only about 20 people in the building so chances are I wont get caught... I recorded it on kik so if you want to see it.. my kik is bogue270

What object to use for your spanking:

5. Hanger.

You will be naked for your spanking. This will be your position:

2. Bent over a chair.

They all have to be as hard as you can hit. It's a punishment so we want your arse nice and red.~

2. 55

During the spanking you MUST say thank you after each hit. Count out loud as you spank yourself.

After the spanking you will:
5. Get dressed and expose your red ass to any window in your house for 10 seconds. Mississpi seconds.

Wedgie: ( Even as the next dares say "Leave it in for an hour," still continue on to the next dare while your waiting for the other to finish. It's faster and less annoying this way.

5. Propeler

If you rolled a 5 - Take a broomstick/pencil/anything long and sturdy. Place it in the back of your underwear hooks and turn it 5 times. Keep it this way for 5 minutes. ( Note: If you do not know what a propeller wedgie is, look it up on Google.


6. Strip down to nothing and crawl through your house naked. Stop in the kitchen and make yourself a peanut butter sandwich. Bring it with you to your room and do as you wish!


Since I was at work I couldn't do any of the pee dares I rolled so I did the failed to complete below.

If you failed to complete any of the above, you must do 2 of the following: ( Roll your dice twice! )

3. Stick something up your arsehole, screw yourself with it 50 times.
4. Spank your genitals 10 times as HARD as you can, shouting "I'm a dirty whore" after each spank.
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