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Old 10-11-2018, 08:14 PM   #8
The toe sucking anal slut
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Join Date: Jun 2016
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Originally Posted by Bloxo View Post
Hello all,
I felt this may be interesting and a little fun, there are plenty of quizzes about you, your kinks, etc... but are there any quizzes about GD usage?
Well this one should be quite telling and I hope it makes you think
Thank you for the good questions!

1. What is your gender?

2. What is your age (or rough age if shy)?

3. Which Country are you from?
The Netherlands

4. What made you create an account on GetDare?
I was looking for dares (to do with feet). I didn't realize back then that it was actually a BDSM site.

5. Do you prefer to sub, Dom or Switch on here?

6. Which section of the site do you spend most of your time?

7. Do you have PM Dares or are thinking of creating these?
I had them in the past but ever since I am owned I don't have much use for them. I hardly ever did get them anyway.

8. Do you have likes/dislikes/limits on your signature?
I do

9. Would you say you have made good friendships here?

10. Do you ask for proof from people you talk to about who they are?
I do not. But I don't often chat to people. I only really chat with my Misses.

10a. If so, what kind of proof do you ask for?

11. Do you have a favourite thread you often come back to?
Not one thread in particular, no

12. Is there one dare you've done on here that stands out from the rest?
When talking about just dares I received here, before I met my Misses, I think it was my 24 hours in heels challenge thread.

13. Is there a dare you have set which you are particularly proud of?
Not sure, there are too many

14. What are some of the new things you have tried on here?
Almost everything I did was new here. Things I never thought I would do but did were, among others, A2M, anal figging, ice in ass, diapers, scat (not eating), ball busting..

15. Have you discovered anything new about yourself while using this site?
That I am more daring then I thought

16. If you could add one feature to this site what would it be?
Get notified when friends post new threads

17. If you could change one thing about this site, what would it be?
The color. I hate orange!

Section 2: Quantity - if you don't know exact numbers you can use this system:

Rarely - as in maybe 1 post a month or few months
Occasionally - as in maybe 2 or 3 posts a month
Regularly - as in every week
Often - as in a few times a week
Extreme - as in a few times a day

18. How frequently do you use the site if you are active? (Daily, a few times a week, a few times a month)
Extreme: Several times a day each day

19. How often do you set dares for other members roughly?
Rarely: I used to do it more but most people don't report or even bother to say thank you. Now, if I do give out dares, I pretty much only give them to people I know

20. How often do you do dares from other members roughly?
Occasionally: I get most of my dares from my Misses now. But I do still get them from others occaisionally when we make threads.

21. How often do you write new threads?
Regularly: But they're mostly truth threads now.

22. How often do you post in threads?

22a. How often do you answer truth threads?
Occasionally. Most truths asked here are not very original. I tend to stick to answering the original ones.

22b. How often do you post reports in dare threads?
I always do if I received a dare that way

22c. How often do you post in the lounge?

23. How often do you change your signature?

24. How often do you post to blogs?
Regularly: I have to write at least one blog per week. I sometimes post more when I have the inspiration, but I usually don't and I don't enjoy writing as much.

25. How often do you read blogs?
Regularly: I read all my Misses' blogs and some of the others. But I don't nearly read everything.

25a. If you read blogs, how often do you rate/comment on these?
Occasionally: I don't always know what to say.

26. How often do you PM?
Rarely: I don't see much need to. If I need to for something I will but I don't just randomly PM.

26a. How often do you get unwanted PM's?
Very rarely: I hardly get PM's period.

26b. What are examples of unwanted PM's for you?

27. How often do you use the chat?
Rarely: I don't really like the chat. I don't know what to say and I find just randomly chatting boring.

Have you ever?

28. Have you ever had a post removed by a Mod?
Not that I recall

29. Have you ever received a warning from a Mod?
Once, yes

30. Have you ever been reported? (as far as you know)
Not that I know

31. Have you ever had a previous account? (If so do you remember your username?)

32. Have you ever left the site for a long time and then returned?
Yeah. Way in the beginning after a failed edging thread and after I got freaked out by the ball busting thread and some other extreme things posted here. I found it all too extreme. Now I learned most of the really extreme stuff is just fake and also that I actually enjoy the 'extreme' stuff now.

33. Have you ever talked to someone and then found out they were a fake? (i.e. Lying about age/gender)

34. Have you ever had an argument with someone on the site?
Not really

35. Have you ever read a post and thought it was made up?
Oh definitely. I think at least half the posts here are fake, a lie and made up.

36. Have you ever started doing a dare and given up in the middle?
That has happened

37. Have you ever written a story?
Yes. Together with Miss Butterfly! You can read it here ->
I want to write one of my own some day.

38. Have you ever commented on a story?

39. Have you ever created an advert for a slave/master?
I did a few times. They never worked. I didn't meet my Misses via ads of my own.

40. Have you ever told anyone outside of this site about it?

I think 40 questions is quite a marathon I'll stop there, I hope you found this interesting and I hope perhaps it made you think a little
I did find it interesting, thank you!

Worm owned by
Princess Butterfly

Likes & LimitsToys

Check out my truths and dares here

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