Thread: Fiction: ► Big Brother
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Old 10-23-2010, 07:36 AM   #3
Slenderman - Doctor
Truth or Dare Zealot
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 6,760

Part Two

As an ignorant Katie continued watching Jeremy Kyle on ITV3, Tom started brainstorming for an idea. But, alas, he had nothing. To taunt him some, there was a pair of overalls hanging right by the shed window; however, he had no key and therefore no way in. Every idea he had was doomed to fail and he was starting to give up hope. Maybe he should just do what Katie said, and run round the front. But as much as he geared himself up to do it, a horrible question raced through his mind.

What if she hadn't kept her word; what if the front door was locked?

He wouldn't put it past her.

However, at the exact moment he decided he'd make a run for it, he had a revelation. It wasn't the nicest idea, but it was the best he had. Keeping low and his hiding from view of over-looking neighbours, he crawled through the overshadowed areas of the garden, through the bushes and down towards the main decking by the back door. A final glance around to check neighbouring windows and then, with no hesitation, he made a dash for it.

Grabbing the sack with both hands, he frantically shook the soaking bag of compost and emptied the dirt on to the freezing wet ground beneath him, his feet subsequently being covered and blackened. But, honestly, that was the least of his worries. As soon as the bag was 99% empty, he slipped it over his head and battered a hole in the other end, allowing it to sit neatly upon his shivering shoulders and just about covering his manhood below. Upon quick inspection, Tom realised the bag wasn't as big as he'd thought but, right now, it'd have to do.

Then, dismissing the thought of whether the front door would actually be unlocked or not, he just made another run for it. Slamming the gate shut behind him, he pelted across the driveway (in front view of four surrounding houses) and dived into the porch. However, much as he wanted to recapture his breath, he hadn't the time as the porch was made out of glass, forcing him to clamber to his feet once more to try the front entrance; it was the moment of truth.
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