Thread: Non-Fiction: Kitten's Random Adventures
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Old 10-07-2018, 07:59 AM   #8
KittenRose's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Dream Land
Posts: 65
Blog Entries: 16

(Also on my tumblr at Camping amongst an alpine medow)

“We left on Friday around 10:00 am. The trail head is about a couple of hours drive from my house and when we got there, there were several cars already parked. I paid a small parking fee (most federal public lands here need some usage fee), and we hoisted our packs on our backs and started our hike to our camping spot. We wanted to camp near Pratt Lake, an eight mile hike through dense evergreen trees, still sleepy from the passing winter. Here, high up in the mountains summer comes late. There was no snow on the trail, but the days were overcast and the nights chilly.

It took us almost four hours to hike to the lake. The trail climbs rapidly at first, passes Talapus Lake, climbs out of its basin and then levels off for several miles, wandering through thick forest, over streams and across folds of the mountain. Another climb and one comes to the top of the lake basin. From here, there is a trail which leads up to the peak, while the main trail descends rapidly into the lake basin. We took this and after clambering over a few fallen trees and crossing some muddy patches, reached our destination.

The lake is large, and nestles between the mountains. The waters are very calm, and hardly a ripple disturbs its surface. We picked a spot a few hundred yards from the lake, in a small clearing among the trees. The US Forest Service prohibits camping too close to lakes and large streams, and even prohibits open fires. Besides us, there was no one there. Most people go to closer spots. This part of the country is full of alpine lakes, and there are about five within ten miles of each other.

We pitched out little two person tent, and got out our packed lunches and ate. I felt really good, sitting outside my tent, looking out at the water, with my BF besides me. We usually talk a lot, and one of the things I like about him is that he has interesting things to say about so many things. I was also tired, sweaty and grimy under my hiking clothes. I wanted to take them off and jump naked into the water, but that would not be such a good idea, specially after such a long hike. A sure way to get cramps.

After lunch we walked around the lake, exploring the forest. We had packed a camp stove and a lot of raw food, mainly beans, rice, burgers, sausages, eggs and more of that sort of stuff. We made a nice dinner of burgers and sausages. I was so hungry! The cool mountain air makes me eat a lot.

That night, inside our tent we played card games. We usually play German Whist, specially if we want to get naughty after. It is an interesting game and a pretty good combination of chance and strategy. We play for stakes, which means pieces of clothing. I have to say, I really love playing strip games with my BF. I am pretty good at these games, and if I focus, and with a little bit of luck, I almost always win. It is very funny to see him squirm and wriggle as he strips, specially when he pulls off the last piece of clothing. He tries to cover himself, specially if he is excited and erect. I mean, I know him for over three years now, and he is still shy! Boys can be so strange sometimes.

I had him naked, with a pillow across his crotch, trying to hide from me! I was in my sports bra and panties. I think he gets pretty upset when he looses, and so I make up for it. I pushed him on his back and took his cock in my hands, kissing it and licking it, sucking it gently and slowly, getting him all wet and erect. I was getting wet myself, I must say. and pretty soon, was laying on top of him, kissing him, with his cock under me, feeling so hard and warm. You must think of me as such a slut, but I really wanted him so bad, and reaching down between my legs I pushed him inside. Well, you can guess the rest. It was wonderful, to ride him in that plastic tent, the evening quiet and cool outside, and our bodies warm and hot from each other. I did not orgasm, but that is okay. I still loved it and when he had finished we just lay there, silent.

On these camping trips we join our sleeping bags together. I like feeling him next to me, and the body warmth is good for a cold night.

I must admit, red faced, that when he had fallen asleep, I reached down and touched myself. Slowly and gently, trying not to wake him. I was thinking about you. Do you know, I imagine your voice to be slightly deeper than mine? Strange. I was thinking about you and how you had cupped your Rose Madder, your Purring Kitten, turning her into a submissive and obedient slut. I was so close to the edge, but did not cum. I would have moaned and shivered from it, and woken up my BF. I feel asleep so aroused, so wet and with such slutty feelings between my thighs, with strange dreams about the hike, about sex and about all the forest voices around us.

The next day we hiked up the top of the mountain. It was not a long hike, perhaps a couple of miles, but straight up. Our day was much the same, hiking, talking and cooking food, and playing games. However, no more sex, although I was still feeling so turned on! I think all the hiking and walking had tired us out. Sunday we went even deeper into the forest, hiking to another small lake, a little gem hidden in the mountains. I am sure that we were the first people here this season, with perhaps the exception of Rangers who patrol these mountains.

We cooked our last major meal on Sunday night, throwing in everything except the eggs and toast into the pot. It was great! I stayed up late, reading my book on my Kindle while my BF slept.

Monday morning, after breakfast we packed and hiked the long eight miles back to our car. I should say I was so tired that the hike felt like a long and arduous slog. I was sore, sweaty and grimy, but happy. The camping was great. I forgot to mention, I swam a couple of times in the lake. The water was freezing! However, I like the feeling of cold water on my skin. In case you are wondering, no, I did not swim naked.”

Tumblr: iamrosemadder
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