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Old 10-21-2010, 04:12 PM   #34
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 11

1. What's your bday? Not giving out personal info like that

2. How many children do you want to have? 2

3. What would their names be? (First and Middle) Girl Amber; Boy Damion

4. At what age would you like to have these kids? Whenever I'm able to support a family and know how to take care of a child

5. Any pets? yes

6. If yes, what kind? cats

7. What is your dream vehicle? Lamborghini

8. If you could go to any place in the world for a week, where would you go and what would you do there? Myrtle Beach. Walk along the beach with a girl I like and get to know her

10. You're sentenced to spend one year on an island, completely alone. You may bring 5 items. Food and water and 2 sets of clothes will be provided. You may not bring ANYTHING that would allow contact with the outside world, this includes any signaling devices, attempting to contact the outside world and you will be shot immediately. What 5 items would you bring and why? A tv that can't connect to cable and lots of porn, a dvd player

11. Describe your perfect date? don't have one

12. What is your darkest fantasy? Committing suicide. Also, being in a plane crash where the plane breaks apart and I'm still stuck in the seat as I fall from the plane, and I land in the middle of central park alive and I become the talk of every news network.

13. If you could change 3 things about yourself what would you choose? Not being able to control myself

14. Describe your perfect man or woman. Emma Watson, but in reality she has to have brown hair, blue eyes, she has to be thin, and 5feet 6inches tall and born on the same day as me

15. What's your opinion on ass-to-mouth? Go for it

16. Have you ever given a rimjob? no, I forget what a rimjob is

17. If a person with multiple personality disorder threatens suicide would that be considered as a hostage situation? no

18. Would you ever involve yourself in bestiality? no

22. How would you spend $5.2 million yen? I think 5.2 million yen is 63,970 U.S dollars and I would rent an apartment and spend it all on my rent

23. If you could time travel to any point in time "when" would you go and what would you do? I'd go to a million years in the feature and fuck a hot nurse

24. Do you like chocolate? No, it hurts my teeth

26. What's your dream life? To be financially stable

27. What scares you the most and why? Being caught by a Tornado. It scares me because I would have time to think before I die.

28. Name 3 things you find most beautiful about the natural world? The mountains and the forests

29. Which is your favorite body part of the human body and why? a hot girls ass because its just plainly hot

30. If doctors get to see you naked anyway then why do they leave the room while you change? legal reasons

34. What's the most difficult thing you've ever had to do? Physically? and Emotionally? Graduate from high school, because I had to battle depression and I fucking suck at school

35. What are your two biggest regrets? fucking the two girls i fucked because it was a waste of time. And having a relationship with my most recent ex because I'm still not over the emotional pain of the break up and its been 2 god damn years and shes still all I ever think about and I just want her out of my fucking mind because I fucking hate her and hope she dies.

36. If you had the chance to go change them, what would you do different? I would have never fucked the two girls and I would have never met my ex. I woulda said fuck it. It's not worth my fucking time.

37. Who's the best person in your immediate or extended family? My cousin mike

38. Who's the worst? None of them

39. What are you most jealous of? The fact that a girl I like is fucking a nigger and not me

40. Are you OCD about anything? Having my dvds in alphabetical order

41. What would you do if your best friend died? Go to the funeral and mourn.

44. If you had to give up communication and sever all ties to one close friend who would it be? I don't want to say names, but its the only guy I'm really friends with

50. What is more important - lust or love? lust because theirs no such thing as love

51. Define marriage in a sentence. lifetime fuck buddy

63. What’s the longest you’ve gone without masturbating? 1 week

64. Have you ever made a self-porn? yes

66. What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever applied for? A job at the Lions Den

67. Did you get it? no

69. What’s your biggest pet peeve? When I become forgetful and when I'm working a job and someone tells me I should do something that I should have thought about before

71. If while talking to God he sneezes then what do you say? Cover your mouth when you sneeze you fucking asshole

72. If you could go back and change something about your high school days what would it be? I'd be more assertive in my studies and not worry about making social connections

74. How often have you driven over the speed limit? a lot

75. What’s the highest over you’ve gone? 120

76. If you think no one is looking what is the one thing you would do? check out a hot girl and pick my nose

77. If you could marry a cartoon character who would it be? Why? Daria because shes nerdy

78. What did you most get into trouble for when you were younger? telling my high school principle that I'd make are school look worse than columbine, but even then I didn't really get into much trouble.

79. What is the one thing that disgusts you? poop fetishes

84. What do you love and hate the most about the human race? people can't admit the truth

86. What is the first thing you do when you get up every morning? masturbate

92. What would I find in your refrigerator right now? A beer

93. What is the last book you read? Harry Turtledoves Return Engagement: In at the death

Last edited by Tuber25; 10-21-2010 at 04:16 PM.
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