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Old 09-28-2018, 04:01 AM   #19
TicklishGirlyArms's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: London
Posts: 38

So, this is incredibly frustrating and exciting. With handicaps, which I had to take as drinking toilet water is definitely not for me, the game becomes almost impossible. Even when you get past a square you know is a big snake, it's quite frequent to roll a sequence of -2s, which put you back on that square again after you thought you were safe. And then other snakes come into play, and others after that.

And then even if you've by some miracle got past all the brutal traps, 49 going back to 11, and 62 going back to 19 are absolutely tear-inducing, you've got to roll the exact number when you get into the 90s, or you end up on 99 or 95, which set you backwards once again towards yet more snakes again.

After three days of play, with breaks of course, I've accumulated nearly 1000 points and have just slid back from 49 to 11 yet again. I don't expect I'll ever be able to complete it, as the handicaps make getting past a single snake less than a 50/50 chance, and there's ten of them, with three grouped right near the finish.

What makes it all the worse is that I got into the 90s seven times (each time landing on 99 or 95 after coming agonisingly close to getting 100), before the handicaps kicked in, and now it looks like I'm stuck playing this game forever.
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