Thread: Fiction: The Sleepover Club
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Old 10-16-2010, 10:18 AM   #75
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Chicago
Posts: 78
Default Chapter 29

Calm was restored, I got redressed in the same outfit, and we adjourned to the kitchen for some lunch. As we finished eating, I heard a car pull in the driveway. It was my sister Karen. I guessed she was providing transportation to the mall. It would take two trips to get us all there. Naturally I was in the first group, so I could be on display that much longer.

The mall was much like the time I went there with Libby. Brian disappeared to do his thing, probably in the computer store. When everyone got there, we started visiting every girly shop we could. We went to clothing shops and they made me try on all sorts of outfits. They bought one for me that was definitely over the top. We went back to Victoria’s Secret and I had to buy more lingerie. We tried on all sorts of shoes, but didn’t buy any. The cosmetics counter drew us, and soon I had a bag of new makeup.

I handled all of this pretty well. It was easy to do some of these things that were mere repeats of what I had done before. Anticipating some of this, I had worried that I would get a boner. But the excessive masturbation kept my wilie in a shrunken condition.

We stayed at the mall until dinner time and ate at the food court. Of course, I made many trips getting food for the girls. Sitting nearby were some guys who looked a couple of years older than us. It sure looked like they wanted to hit on us. Eventually they did wander over. The leader walked directly up to me. Before he could say anything, Brianna’s tart tongue drove him off. They engaged in some verbal warfare, but it was clear to them that we weren’t interested in serving their desires.

Back at the house I was stripped down to bra and panties. I was now redecorated for the evening’s festivities. The wig I was wearing was restyled so that it had a braid on one side and about 10 mini-ponytails on the other. The studs came out of my ears. A big hoop went in my left ear and a long ribbon streamer went in the right. Freckles were drawn on the right side of my face. One of my front teeth was blacked out.

Then the group moved on to new clothing. A pink T-shirt was held up before me. On the front it said in dark blue letters “I Eat Anything – Watch Out Girls!”. On the back was written “Crisco Kid – Fat in the Can”, with an arrow pointing down toward the bottom where my butt would be when I put the shirt on. One sleeve was cut into little strips right up to the shoulder. The other sleeve had been cut off altogether. When I put it on, it was quite long, but a “window” had been cut out right in front of my navel.

Next came a skirt of sorts. It had obviously been made from an old pair of jeans. It had a very uneven length. On one side it reached nearly to my knees. On the other it barely covered the side strap of my thong. The bottom was extremely frayed. There were a number of holes that had been partly covered with pink patches, leaving little peek-a-boo holes in to my thighs. It was held up by a pink belt that had kittens on it.

That didn’t end it. For my left foot I got a pink flip-flop. For my right I got a baby blue Chuck Converse high top basketball shoe and a shredded knee high to wear under it. A tacky pink plastic ankle bracelet was added above the flip-flop. I was truly a sight. The girls’ cameras were clicking merrily away.

I was trundled back to Karen’s car. This time we played “Sardine” and all of us crammed into the car. She drove us off to a different mall and stopped in the drop-off lane. Brianna squeezed out and pulled me after her. We were joined by Molly and Bridget. The rest of the group stretched out in the car, happy to have more room.

Brianna handed me a pink purse. She explained, “Inside the purse you will find some money and a list of items to buy. You must buy them from at least five different stores. There is also a sealed envelope in the purse. Once you have bought all the items, open the envelope and follow the directions therein. Don’t look ahead of time. The three of us will be following and photographing you. If you cheat, it counts as a complaint and you lose. Any questions?”

I shook my head, accepted the purse, and started into the mall. Once inside I moved over to one side to be as unobtrusive as possible. Nevertheless, people were staring at me. I opened the purse. The list was lying right on top. It seemed to be a very random list of items with several associated with babies. Feeling very embarrassed I set about my task.

It took almost two hours to buy all the stuff. I was pretty loaded down. I had received hundreds of stares, many rude comments, and several embarrassing questions, which I simply ignored. I even had to talk to mall security. I told them it was an initiation and asked them if they wanted me to leave. Secretly I hoped they would throw me out. They just laughed and asked me not to create a disturbance. I nodded and found a bench to sit down to open the envelope. During this entire time I had only seen my supervisors a couple of times. They were doing a good job of staying out of sight. I had no idea what had happened to Rachel, Colleen, and Libby.

I tore open the envelope and pulled out the sheet of instructions. I read in Brianna’s handwriting the following:

“Go to the rental lockers and put all the stuff except the baby things in the locker. Be sure to put the money in the slot and take the key. Go to the nearest women’s room and go into a stall. Be sure that at least one of the stalls next to it is empty. After you go in, one of us will enter the empty stall. Take off all your clothes. YOU MUST BE COMPLETELY NAKED!!!!! Break the water balloons down the toilet. Wrap the key in your bra. Wrap all the clothes inside the T-shirt and pass it underneath the stall to one of us. We’ll pick up the other stuff from the locker. Then put on an adult diaper. Put on the bib and the baby bonnet. Put the pacifier in your mouth and hold the rattle in your hand. You may leave the rest of the adult diapers behind. Now, leave the stall and the women’s room. You’ll have to be careful, because it will be obvious you are a guy, albeit a really strange guy. Your task is to find Karen. She will be parked at one of the mall entrances, but we’re not saying which one. You have to keep looking until you find her.”

It was all I could do not to groan or express some emotion. But I knew Brianna would be in a place she could observe me. She would certainly judge that to be a complaint. I gulped and set off. The first part was relatively easy. I found the lockers and checked a lot of my load. It was a relief not to be carrying so much shit, but I was really scared of what was next. In the times I had crossdressed before, I had only used the women’s room once. As I walked along, I noticed my reflection in the windows of the stores. I definitely looked female and very weird. I shouldn’t have any trouble getting in. It was getting out that was the problem.

I spotted the sign for the rest rooms and went straight for them. It did feel strange going in by the female sign, but I forged ahead. I checked out the stalls, slowing down, so that whoever was tailing me would see where I went. The end two stalls on the right were empty. I went in the second-to-last one. Within seconds I heard the door of the one next door close shut. “Willie!” I recognized Brianna’s whisper. “When you’re ready, shove it under the divider near the toilet end.” With ever increasing fear, I stripped myself of every shred of clothing, put the key in the bra, all of the clothes in the shirt, and pushed it under to Brianna. She grabbed it immediately. “Good Luck!” I heard her whisper, and then a little bit of a giggle. The adjacent door opened and closed.

Now I was so nervous I was having trouble getting my hands to work. It seemed to take forever to get the diaper fixed in place so that it wouldn’t fall off. With the tiny bonnet and bib in place, I felt like a total fool. I slipped the pacifier in my mouth and held the rattle in my hand. Now I sat and listened intently. I could hear activity in the room. A faucet was turned on and off. A couple of women were conversing quietly. I was hoping I could get a brief amount of time with the room empty, so I could make a dash for it.

Every time I thought I had a chance, I would hear the door open and someone new would come in. I was beginning to despair of ever getting a chance. I had no watch on, so I had no clue how much time was passing. Finally I heard a woman leave and silence descended on the rest room. I took a chance and dashed out. I sprinted for the door and flew into the hallway. A woman had been just reaching for the door handle. She stepped back in disbelief and stared at me. I didn’t pause for a second. I ran as hard as I could into the center part of the mall and searched for the nearest exit. I spotted it and made a beeline for it. I was hoping against hope that Karen would be parked outside the exit. No such luck! Her car was nowhere in sight.

I had to choose left or right to continue my search. For no real reason I went left. There was no sign of her at the next exit. It was dark out, but that didn’t mean that people didn’t see me. I was afraid of running into mall security. But I had no choice but to keep going. The mall has six exits. When Karen wasn’t at the fifth exit, I knew she had to be at the sixth. Just my luck I turned the wrong way when I came out. But when I got to the sixth exit, she wasn’t there either. Now I was totally panic stricken. I decided to reverse direction. I circled the mall again without seeing her. Now I was not only frightened, but I was running out of breath. I stopped to gather my bearings. I turned to look behind me and saw Karen drive up in her SUV filled with laughing girls. They pulled up next to me and pulled me into the car.

I soon learned what they had done. They figured I would go to the nearest exit from the mall. Brianna hid in a corner there with her cell phone. Karen was parked on the opposite side of the mall. As soon as I turned left, Brianna told Karen and she told Karen which way to go. The other girls were at the other exits and they all kept in touch so that Karen could always stay on the opposite side of the mall from me. They wanted me to go around the mall in my baby costume at least twice.
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