Thread: Fiction: The Sleepover Club
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Old 10-07-2010, 05:12 PM   #66
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Chicago
Posts: 78
Default Chapter 26

Sunday was a quiet day. Unfortunately I woke up without a boner. Now I was down six to four. The parents went to the country club late in the morning to play golf. They would be gone until dinner. I had been told I had to let the winners know any time that the old folks would be gone. When they told us at breakfast, I waited until the meal was over. I went upstairs and called Libby on my cell phone. She told me to get naked when my parents left and wait for further instructions.

I went to work on my homework. I’m really a very good student and I like most of my subjects. My English teacher sucks, but the rest of them are OK. My history teacher is really great. I always liked reading about history, but I never liked it in school until I got Mr. Kilgore. He was very popular with the better students. He made the subject come alive. Other history teachers just made us memorize a lot of names and dates.

In any case I put about three hours in on my homework when the phone rang. It was Colleen. “Bridget and I are coming over to see you in about half an hour. We’re riding our bikes, or we’d be there sooner. Don’t change your state of dress.” Then she rang off.

I worried about what they had up their sleeves. I still had a bit of work to do on a PowerPoint that I was doing for physics on the life of Isaac Newton. I had just about finished, when the doorbell rang. “You have to get it. I’m too busy,” laughed Karen. I looked out the window to see who it was. If it was other than Colleen and Bridget, I was cooked. Fortunately it was my two friends. Still it was embarrassing to answer the door naked and my willie sprang to life.

I walked downstairs to the front door. I hesitated slightly and the bell rang again. If it had been Brianna, she would have been pounding on the door and screaming. I opened the door and both of the girls smiled. “I see you’re glad to see us,” quipped Bridget. I don’t think she knew she was quoting Mae West.

The girls came in and we went downstairs to the family room. “We need to talk to you, Willie.” Colleen said. “We all talked on the phone last night after we went home from the mall. We have decided that we are being far too harsh on you. We don’t want to let you off the hook completely, but we do want to ease up a bit.”

“Thanks,” I answered. “It has been annoying. I usually get excited when I have to do embarrassing things. At least some of what has happened has been just aggravating.”

“Most of us have felt bad for you in the last couple of days,” Bridget added. “That’s one of the reasons we went to the game and cheered so hard for you on Friday. Even Brianna thinks we have gone too far.”

“Thanks, again. That really did help my play. Coach gave me great compliments after the game.”

“Here’s the deal,” explained Colleen. “The panties, boner, and masturbation rules are still on. You have to be hairless below the neck for the sleepover, but not until then. But all else is off, except for the forfeits at the sleepover. You, Molly and Rachel will have to streak, and you will be doing a lot of crossdressing.”

I blew a sigh of relief. “Thanks,” I muttered. “I think I can actually have some fun with the ones that are left.”

“By the way,” Bridget asked. “How are you doing in the boner contest?”

“I’m behind six to four.”

“I’ll bet you’d love to whack off,” Colleen offered.

“You better believe it.”

“Wait here,” Bridget said. She grabbed Colleen and they ran back to Dad’s workshop. In a few minutes they returned.

“How about a side bet that costs you nothing?” queried Bridget.

“What is it?” I replied.

“If you can win the masturbation forfeit, Colleen and I will be your slaves for a weekend.” Colleen nodded to show her agreement.

“Sure, why not?”

Shortly they left and the rest of the day was actually boring. I hadn’t had that feeling for a while.

The next four weeks went by quickly. Basketball season was winding down. I continued to play well. Brian and the girls came to all of the home games and cheered for me. I know it helped. The last home game was the Saturday before Presidents’ Weekend. Here I was to exact a little bit of revenge. The team we were playing was the weakest in the league, but the girls didn’t know that. I bet them that I would score more than twenty points. My highest so far that year was eighteen. If I succeeded, I could do one of two things. I could reduce the hours of crossdressing in my forfeit by the number of points I scored over twenty. The other option was that I could claim a forfeit from any individual girl for each point I scored over twenty. On the other hand, if I failed, the crossdressing was to be extended in hours by the number of points that I was short of twenty.

Not only did I know we were playing a weak team, but I got my teammates to help. I told them I had a bet with the girls who were cheering for me. I didn’t tell them the stakes, but they agreed to feed me the ball, as long as we had a safe lead. The safe lead happened almost immediately as we got off to a 12-4 advantage. It only got easier after that. We won 76-20. I scored thirty points. I would have scored more, but the coach took me out two minutes into the fourth quarter. I pleaded to go back in, even telling him about the bet, but not the stakes. He refused. He didn’t want to run the score up any more and he wanted other guys to have playing time. I accepted that. I had already won the bet, so I was satisfied.

I met up with others after the game and we went to McDonald’s for dinner. I told them I would take the forfeits, but wouldn’t collect on them until much later in the spring. In truth, I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I had to think about it.

I actually got the nerve up to ask Veronica out to a movie. I was elated. It was the first time I had actually asked anyone out. We have a tandem bicycle. I asked Veronica if she would like to ride it to the Cineplex. She thought that would be fun. The next Saturday I rode the tandem over to her house. It felt funny riding the tandem alone. Once I got there and she hopped on, we had a wonderful time. It was cold, but we were all bundled up.

At the theatre I let Veronica choose the film. To my surprise she chose the current James Bond. “I’m really a big fan. I have all of them on DVD. My favorites are the early Sean Connery versions. Roger Moore really sucked,” she explained.

We had about a half hour before even the trailers started, so we just sat and talked. I was surprised that we shared many of the same interests. This was exciting. I might be getting my first real girlfriend.

When the movie was over, I asked Veronica if she wanted something to eat. She said she did, so we pedaled to the nearest fast food place, a Wendy’s. Afterward we rode the tandem back to her house. When we arrived, she jumped off and gave me a big hug, and said how much fun it had been. I was delighted and rode home on a cloud. In the coming days we began to talk on the phone, text message, and IM each other.

Going into the last week, I still hadn’t yanked my doodle. It was actually becoming the normal state. I did have the problem of wet dreams. I suppose it helped relieve the pressure. It also helped stimulate “Boner City” in the mornings. Karen got tired of checking up on me, and took my word for it. I could have cheated, but I didn’t. Since the girls had let up on me, I figure I owed it to them. The bad part of the wet dreams was that I always ended up soft after they were over. Consequently it was a dead heat at the beginning of that last week.

The sleepover was starting Friday night. I had five mornings to go. If I were hard for four of them, I would win the bet and avoid slavery to Karen over Spring Break. She can be every bit as creative and sadistic as Brianna, if you give her the chance. Monday morning I woke up hard and called to her through the bathroom door. “Just a minute, “she replied. “Now I want to see for myself. The score is too close. I’m not going to let you cheat.”

“I’m not lying,” I protested.

“I’m just making sure.”

The door of the bathroom opened and Karen came out just wearing a towel. I just stood there smiling and naked. Karen reached down and grabbed my woody to make sure it was hard. It was. The move caused the fold in the towel to come loose and slide off her body. Karen shrieked, try to cover herself, and run back into the bathroom. The door slammed loudly, and I laughed my ass off.

Unfortunately for Karen, that was the only towel she had. We both take towels from our bedrooms when we shower and put them in the hamper when we are done. Karen was now safe in the bathroom, but she had neither towel nor clothes. She pleaded with me for help, but I had her this time.

“I’m sitting right here in the hall,” I stated. “If you WALK out of the bathroom and ask me politely, I will return your towel. Your other option is to run for your room. I have my camera out. If you choose the second option, I use the camera.”

She swore at me, but I paid her no mind. Time was on my side. I had so much less to do to get ready than she did. Finally she agreed. The door opened. She casually strolled over to me and asked, “May I please have my towel back?”

“Yes, you may,” I answered her, handing the towel over. She turned on her heels and returned to the bathroom. She had appeared calm, but her face was very red. My sister has a great body, but I was more interested in seeing how much I could embarrass her.

Tuesday I awoke about an hour and a half before the alarm was to go off. The stimulus that broke my sleep was a large deposit of semen in my tightie-whities. I cleaned myself up and put on a clean pair. I got back into bed and tried to think of the most erotic things I could. But it was no use. My dick stayed soft. I went back to sleep. When the alarm went off, I was still flaccid. I admitted as much to my sister. Now I was two points behind.

I had better luck on Wednesday and Thursday. Karen checked me out both days. I was rock hard for her each time. I just needed to wake up hard on Friday to avoid humiliation at the hands of my sister.

Thursday night I finished my homework by about nine and I booted up my computer. I started searching for anything that would turn me on. I found some great pictures of naked women, read some erotic stories, even visited some fetish sights. When I crawled into bed an hour later, I had a raging hard-on. I could only hope it would last until morning. My great fear was another wet dream. I prayed that I hadn’t overdone the stimulation.

Morning came. The alarm awoke me from a sound sleep. I reached down and found a throbbing penis in my briefs. I didn’t care about Karen’s reaction. I raced into her room flaunting my pulsing pud. She yelled at me, but I still didn’t care. She conceded defeat. I was off the hook for Spring Break.
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